Obtaining Registration and Plates for my Saudi Toyota Land Cruiser 78


New member
I'm an American citizen who currently lives in Saudi Arabia. I'll leave permanently in June and I want to take my Toyota Land Cruiser 78 with me to travel through north Africa and Europe, so I need a new registration and plates since I have to surrender my license plates and registration when I export the car to a neighboring country. I wanted to drive out of Saudi, but it seems one no longer can obtain an exit visa if you drive out. It is quite easy to export the car to Jordan, but I'll need to have some sort of valid registration and plates for the car if I want to cross any borders or even drive it in Jordan.

I've visited a website that claims it can send me plates and registration from Gambia or Guinea-Bissau that are valid for 4 years, but I feel it might just be an internet scam. This is the site, offshoreautos, that claims to make it possible to have an offshore registration.

Any suggestions on how I might proceed are sincerely appreciated.
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Regular Dude
That sounds pretty fishy, man. that website also contains links to sites that offer a diplomatic passport and a second passport for "Security, Privacy, and Asset Protection". I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'd stay away from it. I'm sure someone here who has done it outside of diplomatic channels will reply. If you end up with it in Amman, let me know. I will bring my T100 out there and we can link up. I'm across the border in Israel.
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New member
Thanks. Your reply mirrors my feeling exactly. I actually want to drive into Israel and take the ferry to Italy. If it works out I'll definitely meet up with you.


Renaissance Redneck
Can you not just take the car on a "trip" out of the country to Jordan, park it and return to Saudi via bus and legally exit by air and then pick up the LC and continue on your trip? I'm guessing in order to register it stateside just having the ownership papers isn't enough? If it's a personal vehicle that you already own, it should be all you need. I've only exported vehicles in "the west" but I got to keep the country of origin plates and papers with the trucks. I did have to export the trucks, but I didn't have them in my own name in their original country like you have.

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