Leela the Lip Trix Van

Hello everyone

As much as i love my little Tacoma, she is a little cramped and overloaded. So goodbye Amy. You were a dirty girl and we had some good times together. You will be missed.


So anyway, i recently purchased this E350 van from Lip Trix Board shop in Saint George UT. It used to be a Utah water quality van and was converted to 4X4 by Advanced 4X4 in SLC. its not the best 4x4 conversion and the welding is atrocious, but its a Dana 60 and it has lasted this long so i figure its not likely to break any time soon. Maybe down the road i will work on upgrading the suspension but for now i have plenty to do with making it livable.

So here she is.


Of course the first step was to put in a bike holder.
the Hammock is just clipped to the body but i will put in some permanent attachment points. i didnt have any problem hitting the side but i was definitely cold. i got a 4000-9000 BTU mr heater with a carbon monoxide shutoff for heat but i tried it yet.

i would like to attach a propane tank and a water tank under the left side and have them feed a 3 way fridge, a sink, and the heater for my kitchen area behind the drivers seat. propane seems easier to power those essentials but i would also like to attach some batteries under the right side and some solar panels on the roof rack.

i am open to suggestions about the best options for the following items

3 way fridge- i was thinking a small norcold but i wouldnt mind finding something cheaper
water tank -about 9"x9"x3' +-
small sink- i am dreaming of having a dish storage rack that would fit inside it
water pump system
solar panels- 100-200 watt
charge controller
batteries -~200AH

i have been clamping the carbon fiber frame. I just got the bike. my previous trek slash as shown on my tacoma was stolen in san franciso but renters insurance covered me getting the Evil Wreckoning. i had not heard about not clamping carbon fiber. i can understand not clamping a CF road bike or maybe an ultralight cross country mountain bike but this bike is about the heaviest duty carbon fiber bike ever made. i will look into the clamping thing but frankly if that bike cant take the force of a workstand clamp i dont think i would trust it for the trails i ride.

Part of the reason i got a van was to be able to store the bike inside. i can swing the bike back in but it does make the door difficult to open. Combined with having a dirt bike blocking the rear doors i am limited to only the front doors. i would like to find another place to store the bike inside.

while i think about the details of the interior layout i am going to put the floor, insulation, and roof vent in. i am also planning on building a roof rack, ladder, and rock sliders/foot steps.

i ripped out the rear AC unit and plan to wire the vent fan into the dash controls.

the previous owner had put in astro turf so i ripped that out and im set to insulate and put in my floor




That buddy heater will heat you out of there in anything over 40 degrees, we open and close windows to regulate ours. Some people are scared of them but I've been using ours for years and LOVE the convenience, cost and portability. Might want to rethink that 3 way fridge, a modern 12v fridge will out perform a 3-way in every way. What kind of dirt bike are you carrying?
After ripping out the rear AC i had several holes where the lines were routed into the cabin.


So i riveted some sheet metal over the holes and siliconed the crap out of them.


i decided to reuse the foam that was already there and cut to shape


and after the floor is all cut out, placed and screwed down.


Thanks Corneilius for the heads up about the 12V fridges. <3 A vs 11.7A is a game changer on power consumption. i am liking the front opening Engels.

i got a fan-tastic 2250 for venting.

i have a Yamaha WR450

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