The "SoCal" Crew Thread


Now that SoCal is on the map with a local meet up under our belts I thought we might as well keep momentum going. So if you want to organize and plan a SoCal meet up post it here. If you want to post a SoCal trail run post it here.....


Active member
Sorry didn't make it, got anew born, car was giving me issue .

I'll definitely make the next one and a nice gift of trip would be awesome


Let's do a local trail run next then we can talk about a meet up in a few months. Talking to Nwoods at the meets, he is very knowledgeable about all of the local trails and I am sure a bunch of guys are so we will have a lot of trips we can plan. I am definitely going to do the Mojave road as soon as I can. Maybe after I get tires and some vacation time.


What's local also Azusa canyon?

That would be fine with me. If people want to weigh in here we can pick a place. I know it will always be hard to get a location and date that works for everyone so I say just throw it out there. If someone wants to pick a place (with date and time) now that is cool. I am going to try to get my front spacer lift installed today so I will be ready for a day trip sometime soon.


I am thinking Saturday, 4-29-47 for Cleghorn Road.

Anyone who has first hand experience on this road please speak up about tips and conditions etc. Anyone been here since the January, February 2017 rains? Should be a 15.8 mile one way trip so it should not take too long.
How about we meet at the trailhead early, maybe 8:00 am and talk for a little while and then get on the road, drive to Silverlake, eat lunch or whatever and head back?
Is there any interest in doing a basic 4wheeling class/discussion? Maybe someone is a 4x4 guru and is familiar with Monteros and wouldn't mind sharing some guidance? Just an idea. I am in either way.


What's local also Azusa canyon?

I would say local is Ventura, LA, OC, Riverside, and San Bernardino (maybe North end of San Diego) or anyplace anyone is willing to drive. Now I know that is a very large area especially considering Sanberdoo is bigger that many states. So I would post up what works for you and we can choose what we can each attend based on distance and free time allowing....


bummed i was in anza during the meet and have been super busy. If you have a facebook join the SCOR (southern california offroad recovery) page. the most knowledgeable people by far. im down for a trail run though :safari-rig:


bummed i was in anza during the meet and have been super busy. If you have a facebook join the SCOR (southern california offroad recovery) page. the most knowledgeable people by far. im down for a trail run though :safari-rig:

I had a Montero facebook but deleted it due to my acute dislike of lame facebook related behavior. If any SoCal Montero ExPo members would like to join the facebook SCOR group and do some homework on cleghorn that would be cool.

I think as we get started with SoCal trips it would be good if we make our journeys accessible to anyone who has a non-modified truck. Keeping mind that monteros are very capable and smart driving and choosing lines with high probability of success can go a long way for keeping us all safe and not-stuck... I think Cleghorn fits those parameters.


Expedition Leader
Cleghorn takes about 4 to 5 hours to run if all goes well. Sometimes up to 6 hours, depending on the group.
Other fun "local" trails include
Big Bear:
Rattlesnake Canyon, Jacoby Canyon, Gold Mountain, White Mountain, Tip Top Mountain, Horsethief Flats, Pipes Canyon
I would not recommend John Bull, Holcolmb Creek, Dishpan Springs, 2n17X

ElPaso Mountains/Jawbone
Last Chance Canyon, Goler Wash, Government Peaks, various other side trails

Mojave area:
parts of Calico, day tips to Rasnor Road (sand dunes) through to Afton Canyon, Berdoo Canyon (Joshua Tree), Old Dale Mining District (Joshua Tree)

Northern parts:
Hungry Valley SVRA, Rowher Flats.

There's tons of others, but less "findable" via Google word searches if you want to do your homework online.
For my money, Cleghorn, Rattlesnake, and Rasnor Road/Afton Canyon are favorites, with Cleghorn being shortest and closest.
You can find lots of photos of all these trails on my website:

However, I don't think I'm available the 29th. I can do Sunday the 30th though.

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im planning on going to big bear saturday to do some trails but not sure which to take. anybody down to do a mini trail day?


Expedition Leader
A fun loop through Big Bear is Gold Mountain to Jacoby to Horsetheif Flats and back up. The gatekeeper at GM is a good test of your ability to pick a line. Gen 3's might struggle on break over and approach angle though. However, if you skip GM and just take Jacoby to Horsethief, you'll be fine.

Gatekeeper on Gold Mountain (conditions change ALL the time):

Next obstacle on GM is the slabs. Easy to do...once you get up the first ledge

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