Cleghorn takes about 4 to 5 hours to run if all goes well. Sometimes up to 6 hours, depending on the group.
Other fun "local" trails include
Big Bear:
Rattlesnake Canyon, Jacoby Canyon, Gold Mountain, White Mountain, Tip Top Mountain, Horsethief Flats, Pipes Canyon
I would not recommend John Bull, Holcolmb Creek, Dishpan Springs, 2n17X
ElPaso Mountains/Jawbone
Last Chance Canyon, Goler Wash, Government Peaks, various other side trails
Mojave area:
parts of Calico, day tips to Rasnor Road (sand dunes) through to Afton Canyon, Berdoo Canyon (Joshua Tree), Old Dale Mining District (Joshua Tree)
Northern parts:
Hungry Valley SVRA, Rowher Flats.
There's tons of others, but less "findable" via Google word searches if you want to do your homework online.
For my money, Cleghorn, Rattlesnake, and Rasnor Road/Afton Canyon are favorites, with Cleghorn being shortest and closest.
You can find lots of photos of all these trails on my website:
However, I don't think I'm available the 29th. I can do Sunday the 30th though.