Overlanding / Expo Camper Maximum Dimensions and Weights for All International Travel


Tail-End Charlie
Easy if you're already self-employed.

But, good luck finding a typewriter these days. :)


Tail-End Charlie
Another possible alternative to look into: When I did it (in California), I found out that the Unemployment Development Department (EDD) had a program that would pay for the 160 hour school - IF you could qualify. (Though Ca. doesn't require the school, just show up with a truck and trailer and take the test.)

To qualify, you had to be eligible to collect unemployment, no drug busts (ever), no DUIs (ever), no felonies in the last 10 years, have a 10 year DMV printout with no accidents or tickets and pass 8th grade level reading and math tests.*

The school they sent me to was run as a non-profit by the Teamsters Union. Even got a copy of the Teamsters hazmat course materials and an abbreviated version of the course by a Teamsters instructor. Lots of fun for a semi-retired network engineer looking to keep busy without being cooped up in a server room or datacenter.

It was paid for by the workforce investment act, which is federal, so they might have something similar in Wa.

*(And don't even get me started on my usual rant about how 8th grade level is the expected level for adults in the U.S. today. (According to a report issued in 2003 by the National Center for Education Statistics (nces.ed.gov), since the year 2000, more than 50% of adults in the U.S. read at the 8th grade level or below. (Actually, the summary said that; the actual body of the report said 25% were functionally illiterate, and another 25% were between functionally illiterate and 8th grade.)) Makes me want to barf every time I hear some knucklehead say this is, "the greatest country in the world".)

Yes, thank you for making that clear. I had nothing to do with Mr. Stewart's site. This is just the best guide I have found on the internet to build and set up a live in overland camper. I am trying to follow his advise on the W250/Sunrader build I am working on now. As for my limited RORO experience, I have had no items stolen or damaged, in addition the other 5 or 6 travelers that shipped at the same time as me from Panama to Columbia had the same positive outcome.
TIP: If you do get a IDP and have a CDL make sure that the person that does it checks the box indicating that you can in fact can operate a heavy vehicle. ( The guy at the AAA in California missed it on my DL. and I had to go back. ) On my IDP the box states " Motor Vehicles used for the transport of goods and of which the permissible maximum weight exceeds 3,500kg (7,700 lbs.)..." If your driving any 3/4 ton+ N. American pickup you will be over this.

Safe Travels,

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