ZULANDR - 1994 Isuzu Trooper - Louisiana


I control the horizontal and the vertical

Diggin' that wheel color on your rig!



Diggin' that wheel color on your rig!

Thanks man! It's amazing what some rattlecan Rustoleum can do! I wanted black accents, but I felt black wheels were just a little too much. I thought this color would break things up nicely, and it worked out awesome.


You have joined an elite group of like minded people who march to a different tune. I have really enjoyed my travels with my !989 Trooper which is set up for both overloading and trails. I like to see threads like your's that show that there are other vehicles beside Jeep,Toyota & Land Rover. Now off my soap box, great find the 5 speed although not rare are harder to locate and make great platform for overlanding with more interior room than most mid size SUVs and configured in a more usable shape. You seem to have a solid plan for your Trooper so all I can add is, nice truck and forge ahead and good luck. You never know, when you get done you may get an urge to go to Moab Utah and meet up with a bunch of other Isuzuers. Dave


You have joined an elite group of like minded people who march to a different tune. I have really enjoyed my travels with my !989 Trooper which is set up for both overloading and trails. I like to see threads like your's that show that there are other vehicles beside Jeep,Toyota & Land Rover. Now off my soap box, great find the 5 speed although not rare are harder to locate and make great platform for overlanding with more interior room than most mid size SUVs and configured in a more usable shape. You seem to have a solid plan for your Trooper so all I can add is, nice truck and forge ahead and good luck. You never know, when you get done you may get an urge to go to Moab Utah and meet up with a bunch of other Isuzuers. Dave

Yeah, I really do think that these things would have stuck around and been more of a mainstay in general had it not been for the ill-advised decision to use the 4L30E automatic transmission. Outside of that, maintenance issues aren't really THAT bad. I am about to drive it from south Louisiana to Spokane Washington in the next week or so - and I need to do some maintenance to it before I leave, but otherwise I don't really expect any big issues.

My 2nd Gen Trooper has tons of room! I'm still surprised - hell, I only found the seats folded completely just the other day!


Nice build!
I love troopers. I've been wanting one. I saw a nice one at the Easter Jeep Safari this year.


Hahaha indeed. I was hoping the previous hipsters who I bought it from would have left a baggie of the good stuff (to trade for more parts - of course!)

Alas, I left disappointed. LOL


Fellow Trooper owner enjoying this thread

Great to see this progress and looking forward to new updates as I'm on a similar path with my '94.


New member
Hey Gumbeaux just wondering if you had installed your old man emu suspension lift in yet, was hoping to see some pics. I just recently purchased a 94' trooper LS 5 speed and I must say for being my first trooper it sure does ride nice on our Canadian backroads washboard. I was wondering what you guys thought about the independent 4x lift kit he's got for sale. Is it really worth it, I was thinking of maybe getting some longer coils for the rear so it doesn't look so saggy in the rear end. I find when I'm driving about 60 km/h down a dirt road and hit a pot hole the rear end likes to bottom out sometimes.


The Credible Hulk
Springs were soccer-mom soft from the factory, your situation is not uncommon. A set of OME 912 coils are a bit firmer than stock, and taller too, gives about an inch of lift. You can adjust the front torsion bars to match. OME has a couple of taller/heavier springs for the Trooper beyond the 912 too.


New member
Yeah, I am also curious to hear how the OME install went. And, I am new to the Gen2 Trooper game ... but you can run 33s w/o first doing the lift?


New member
Just installed a set of 255/85x16 ST Maxx on my stock 94 Trooper SE and much to my surprise, it did not rub except on a full compression turn. Hopefully, my OME suspension lift kit will arrive by next week so I can get it installed and an alignment done.

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