Radio Options - Europe

Techno Guy

New member
Hi All, Just wondering what the preferred radio options for Europe & North Africa are?

I always felt CB to be a bit taken over by idiots in the UK, but with the recent extra channels and SSB usage, does seem to offer a reasonable package. Not sure how popular this is in Europe though.

I also have my amateur licence, and that brings another bunch of options to the table. I must admit no not having worked mobile before. How does the HF vs VHF argument stack up for decent mobile comms? I was thinking possibly a 2m/70cm dual bander, or a 10m/CB/SSB radio would likely be a good options, but happy to hear the thoughts of others. Thanks.
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Your ham radio liscense only allows you to run a transmitter in the country in which you got the liscense. You'll need to look up the requirements for each country in which you plan to operate. Some countries allow foreign liscensed individuals to operate without any paperwork, some countries require documents. Many countries slightly move where the bands are vs the USA.

That link is only good for folks liscensed in the US. The EU has similar radio agreements between the members nations, but I don't have a link handy.
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Regular Dude
FRS/GMRS works anywhere. I'm running it in the middle east right now at huge distances with good results.

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