my 2016 RAM Rebel


Damon Bungard
Hey Everybody,

Sharing some pics of my 2016 RAM Rebel. I've had the truck for over a year now and have complaints, it's been a great rig. When deciding on a full-size truck I looked really hard at Power-Wagons, but since I already own a Wrangler JKU Rubicon, and knew I'd be putting a lot of highway miles on the truck, often pulling small trailers, the Rebel just made more sense as a pretty capable truck but also more practical at the same time. If I didn't already have a Rubicon the PW would have been much more tempting.

I've put over 30K miles on it in year 1, from hunting road trips to TX and WY, and even a moose hunt in Newfoundland. I'm the Product Manager at Jackson Kayak and Co-Founder/Brand Manager for Orion Coolers, so I'm often traveling with kayaks and plenty of coolers on the roof or the back. I have an ARE cap on the back with Yakima rails/bars/basket, and more detachable Yakima bars I can add over the cab as an additional rack. I often also have a UWS aluminum hitch haul off the back.

I had custom 3M black film added over the hood, roof, and cap and around the front edge of the hood for glare and roof protection from straps and cable locks and such. Gives a unique look for sure.

Trailering with either an X-Venture or Winnebago Micro Minnie has been solid. You can tell a trailer is behind it, but aside from the hit in gas mileage performance isn't really notable.

I haven't built much into the back yet since my cargo changes shape so often. I may put a cargo system back there, but for now I can make a raised floor on one side by sliding two Orion 65's in and packing everything else like tents, cots, cooking kits, fly fishing gear, bows, targets, paddles, ladder, recovery ramps, whatever next to them. There's great storage under the rear seat where I keep tow straps and camping gear, and some in floor storage in the rear footwell where I keep my Superflow MV-50 inflator and other tools.

I'd really like to find some good sliders, but don't know of anybody making any yet. If you do, please chime in here.

Anyways, here's the truck. Hope to add some more fun adventures to it as time goes on.



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I've got a set of white knuckle sliders on my Tacoma, they are high quality. You won't be disappointed.


I've got a set of white knuckle sliders on my Tacoma, they are high quality. You won't be disappointed.

Also have to make a recommendation for the White Knuckle Sliders. I was one of the earlier sets when he first started making them for the second generation Xterra. They were absolutely wonderful and took all of the abuse I gave them with no issues.

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Damon Bungard
added a DECKED system

I added a DECKED system earlier this summer and it's been a handy tool. Here's some more pics from a trip to VT and my setup at Overland Expo East.

Overland_Expo_BoothCamp.jpgPacked_up_for_Overland Expo.jpgJaeger_snacking.jpg


New member
Sweet truck! I follow the Orion Chronicles YouTube channel thanks to Randy Newberg’s podcast talking about your coolers. I’ve been meaning to order my own Orion cooler for hunting & adventuring, hope to have one for this coming summer.

I don’t have any helpful advice, just wanted to say hello!


Beach Bum
Nice rig Jeepin_D, I have only seen a few Rebels on the road myself, it's nice to see one built and used.

I have three Jackson boats, I left all of the other brands behind years ago. I used to travel for white water in years past, but I haven't popped a spray skirt in nearly four years now. My Hero and Rockstar mostly just adorn the corners of my man cave these days lol. I spend some time on my Coosa every now and then, but most of my days are spent on an inflatable StandUp lately. I need to get the playboats out and into the pool and start working on my rolls again.


Damon Bungard
added some removable Core Trax to my bed rails using photography brackets

My DECKED system came with the Core Trax adjustable load tracks but I decided against permanently mounting then to the flooring since I slide things around back there a lot and the tracks would stick up enough to get in the way. I wanted to mount them on the side of the bed, but I didn't want to drill through the sidewall.

Eventually I found these photography brackets on Amazon -- Julius Studio C Clamp Multi Functional Adapter.

Basically similar to the C-clamps used to hold down a truck cap, but drilled and tapped. Bought a few of those and some 1/4-20 stainless flared head bolts and voile, removable side-mounted Core Trax.

3 clamps per side and it's a pretty rigid setup. I wouldn't mount something like a Hi-Lift to these, but for organization to keep things from sliding, should be great solution.


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Damon Bungard
Update on the build.

  1. New pics show the Off-Grid. It's 'OG' grip attachment for shovels or paddles is much easier.
  2. Now have 2 CVT awnings on either side. That lets me put an awning off one side, and build living/camping room on the other. This is helpful at outdoor events where I have a booth and need to display product on one side, but also camp in the booth. They come on and off very easy from the track system integrated into the Yakima Jetstream bars.
  3. OE tires finally ran out of life and changed to Nokian Rockproofs. 10-ply beefiness. 33", and now spare is also full size 33". Not sure why they'd include an undersized spare from the factory on Rebels, but they did. There was clearance underneath though for the full size 33.
  4. Added White Knuckle Offroad Sliders. Awesome full strength sliders that bolt down around the frame rails. Took a few hours to install with a friend, not that bad. Provide a good standing step, full strength jack points and excellent protection.


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