Anyone Else Reliant on Blood Thinners or daily Medication?

Hello all!

23 y.o. with history of multiple extensive blood clots. So far I'm going to be taking 3 types of anti coagulants (blood thinners) indefinitely because of an unknown blood disease (most likely? yet still unknown).

Does anyone else actively Overland while taking blood thinners or daily medication?

If so, are you nervous at all going on long and remote trips in case of emergencies?

If not, how do you prep for them in case of emergencies with your medical condition?

Thanks in advance!


You should be able to get 90 day supply of your rx from the doc and pharmacist. In addition to that, I carry a little waterproof storage capsule on my keyring with an emergency daily dose in case I forget my meds. I also keep my meds listed on my phone in case ER personnel need it.

Not a bad idea Jeff, Thanks!

I've had problems getting my scripts filled beforehand, from multiple pharmacies. Perhaps if I explain I'd be going on a trip they would understand.

Do you ever worry about not getting to hospital if needed? Or do you plan your trips around your medical situation, or at least it being a major factor?

Ovrlnd Rd

I know this is a bit of an old thread but maybe I can add a little information.

You should contact your insurance company about getting a 90 day supply of your medication (make sure your doctor will prescribe it as well) instead of going to multiple pharmacies you can just go to your normal one.

If you're worried about needing to get to an ER think about getting a Garmin inReach. It has an emergency button that will contact rescue services then text you to determine what type of assistance you need. If they can't reach you then they send the cavalry.


I have daily meds I must take 2x daily (Diabetic). Insurance only gives a 30-day supply. Retiring soon to spend more time in the wild and wondering how I'm gonna deal with this.

Ovrlnd Rd

I have daily meds I must take 2x daily (Diabetic). Insurance only gives a 30-day supply. Retiring soon to spend more time in the wild and wondering how I'm gonna deal with this.

In the same boat with daily meds, although its MS instead. My insurance allows for 90 day supplies as long as the Dr will write the script for it. Now it's just a matter of timing it right before I do the IDBDR in July so I have at least 45 days worth before heading out.

Old Griz

New member
I know several people park on the US border crossing and walk into Mexico where you don't need a prescription. I'm not sure how much they buy in one shot but to knowledge they only go once a year while attending the RTR in Quartzite, Az in January. More information on this can be found on Bob Wells ' page


Active member
I have daily meds I must take 2x daily (Diabetic). Insurance only gives a 30-day supply. Retiring soon to spend more time in the wild and wondering how I'm gonna deal with this.

You should be able to use your insurance mail order service to get 90 days. My doctor prescribes more than I need so I've actually got about a year of supplies banked right now. Get a different doctor if they won't work with you. Once on mail order, you sign up for auto-refill/auto-ship and they fill the prescriptions after 70 days instead of 90.

Insulins need to be kept cool but not frozen so you have to plan for that. The biggest problem has been keeping it from freezing on our ski trips and keeping the insulin in the pump cool enough in the desert when it's over 100F.

Cost after retirement is a bigger issue. I've been diabetic for 37 years, type 1 insulin dependent using an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring. The CGM sensors are $100 each. Adding up all the supply costs and 4-year replacement schedule for the hardware and it's like $15K a year. I've been told that medicare covers most of it, as long as you are of qualifying age. I was actually planning to retire at age 52 but had to extend a few years to keep my insurance coverage.

goin camping

I take morning and evening medicines. I package individual morning and evening doses in plastic bags. Blood thinners are in there too so I do have an extra helping of compresses.

Due to the malady and what it causes I now have to go exploring with another person. Hard to do since I've been wandering the desert alone since 1977. Hospitals, emergencies, injuries etc. Really nothing you can do but be careful and thoughtful before you do something so as to avoid the injury. If I croak out in the middle of the desert. That is fine. Better there than the geezer home alone and miserable hooked up to tubes.

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