it's ok to photograph police activities in public

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Uh oh haven, you offended this one by trying to point out a right we all have and making this one contemplate that maybe there might be a reason to distrust... GASP... Law Enforcement????? Poor guy, now he doesn't like you anymore.

He probably has an issue with a post and with each additional reply is increasingly political in nature, which seemingly to me, appears to be against the rules on this site.

But since its related to "photography" and it was posted by a moderator, it must be acceptable.

On another related photography constitutional right, its also ok to photograph little girls in bathing suits in public places... .. about as "expo" related as the subject of this thread....


Forking Icehole
He probably has an issue with a post and with each additional reply is increasingly political in nature, which seemingly to me, appears to be against the rules on this site.

But since its related to "photography" and it was posted by a moderator, it must be acceptable.

On another related photography constitutional right, its also ok to photograph little girls in bathing suits in public places... .. about as "expo" related as the subject of this thread....

Not sure about your world but in my world there are no reports about little girls in bathing suits pulling people out of their cars and beating them or arriving on scene and cold blooded murdering them! no little girls making a traffic stop and taking thousands of dollars in cash from people because " You can't prove you weren't going to use it to purchase drugs"!

Huge (YUGE!) disconnect there mike! Not sure why you think that example of other allowable photography is even something to bring up but it raises red flags about you!


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Not sure about your world but in my world there are no reports about little girls in bathing suits pulling people out of their cars and beating them or arriving on scene and cold blooded murdering them! no little girls making a traffic stop and taking thousands of dollars in cash from people because " You can't prove you weren't going to use it to purchase drugs"!

Huge (YUGE!) disconnect there mike! Not sure why you think that example of other allowable photography is even something to bring up but it raises red flags about you!
Its directly connected. Photographing a person in public where they have no expectation of privacy is a constitutional right!

My point... none of this is directly expedition related...

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I think it's an important aspect to "checks and balances"... if you have any granted power over your fellow citizens, those citizens have every right to keep an eye on the enforcers in order to ensure this power is not abused.
This is a very basic right when you're still calling a place a "free" country.


Pinzgauer 710M
There's no problem recording the police doing activities in public. Scrutiny is ok. BUT ... there should be a penalty for using private videos to bend the truth or adapt it to someone's personal venue. Usually, a small snippet of an incident can tell a whole different story than a video of the entire thing. And before anyone says it ... yes, it would need to take into account intent, etc. It's a very difficult topic to approach ... having freedom of speech and all. :)


I keep thinking of the cranky PMs I would have gotten for posting something so political, let alone not in Fireside Chat.

I have found that the rules are not always the rules so will this thread be locked for being political? :elkgrin:


There's no problem recording the police doing activities in public. Scrutiny is ok. BUT ... there should be a penalty for using private videos to bend the truth or adapt it to someone's personal venue. Usually, a small snippet of an incident can tell a whole different story than a video of the entire thing. And before anyone says it ... yes, it would need to take into account intent, etc. It's a very difficult topic to approach ... having freedom of speech and all. :)
Well when video is used as evidence in the court of law the whole video has to be used. And if anything happens before or after the video that isn't seen the jury can't "guess" what happened based off the limited video available.

That's why I think all police should have body cams on all the time, and should even encourage outside video as long as it's at a safe distance to not interfere. The police shouldn't be doing anything where they want to hide, so the recordings will help protect them by showing what the person being arrested want to hide. Then when they goto court they can say, "This is what really happened. And here it is from a different angle from a pedestrian across the street."


Expedition Leader
OK. I see enough people complaining that this is a political subject, and not sufficiently related to ExPo-style discussion. So thread closed.
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