Water Proofing


Long time off-grid vanlife adventurist
@Roaddude -- two 12v outlets in the bed (each side of the tailgate) and that is all. The box has the double 110 outlets leading to the Yeti as well as the plug of the solar panels.

I forgot how difficult it is to clean off the red mud of Colorado. I should have upgraded power washers....

@ClearwaterScott - Cool, thanks for checking. I think there have been so many slight changes as the XV-2 evolved that someday, someone, that knows how collectible these trailers are going to be is going to start cataloguing serial numbers and changes and dates. There's a whole database of similar info on the Bantam trailers from just before the end of the war until several years after. I've already started dating images I find online, for just that sort of thing. I think I'm addicted. . . *grin


Long time off-grid vanlife adventurist
@ClearwaterScott - looks like I could swing through Missouri after I go to CCV in Colorado, but before I go to Schutt in WI. That way, if you're thinking of getting the hard-folding cover, you'll be able to see it on my trailer before I go up to Schutt. This would likely be mid-late next week sometime.

Then, if you like the hard-folding cover and want mine (it's brand new and will only have seen use from OK to you) you'll be able to save a couple hundred bucks, as I'll sell it for less. I'll help install it, too, if you'd like.

Here's my potential route if I stop to see you in MO before going to Schutt: https://goo.gl/maps/qupbX7pNNxj

If you're not interested in the hard-folding cover, I may still pop by to compare XV-2s or may wait 'til I have mine more set up.

Let me know what you think, and if coming to your place, if I can pick up anything for you from anywhere along my route. Fav regional foods, etc. . .

@Roaddude-- Looks like my response didn't post. Apologies

Currently I am leaning towards the had-folding top. Easy access is important as is the additional security and water protection. I have been in communication with Schutt regarding the struts to raise the rack option(s). I need to determine the height of the racks dependent upon the option. The power option is only available through dealer install.

My schedule next week is fairly open.
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