Adding Topo and Trail Maps to Double Din GPS Deck?


New member
The OEM headunit in my 3rd gen 4R died and I want to replace it with a double din nav headunit that connects to my phone (work requires an iPhone).

Kenwood Option
I was looking at the Pioneer units but then found out that Kenwood uses Garmin maps (and Pioneer uses proprietary maps). Is it possible to change basemaps or add topos/trail maps (say from GPSFileDepot) on the Kenwood unit? If so, I can have the head unit be my all-in-one ICE/nav answer.

Chinese Android Option
If the Kenwood doesn't allow that, what about buying a Chinese android based gps nav unit (I've been looking at Joying) and then installing a topo app and Carplay? I've seen a guy running Carplay in a youtube video). Then I could toggle between regular nav/Googlemaps in town and topo when in the mountains.

More Details
Here are more details if you want them...
-I want iPhone integration and ability to stream music (most of the time from Amazon Prime Music)
-I'd like to have Carplay (I saw a video of someone using it on a Joying unit)
-I'd like to use Googlemaps (either through mirroring or natively)
-I'd like to have a real topo and trail maps (so I can leave the Garmin 62 on the KTM full time)

Sorry if this has been posted but I couldn't find it.
The problem with Topo on built in head units is the screen resolution. I have a Kenwood DNX (not the latest but same resolution) and while I can add map files from GPSFileDepot, you can't see enough of anything to be useful. You have to zoom in a lot to get the fine detail to show up but then you're looking at such a small area, it doesn't help. The Kenwood DNN992 is only 800x480, not sure about the Joying (looked up the 10.1", still only 1024x600).


New member
Thanks Diamond. I hadn't thought of that (but coming from a Garmin 62 anything should be a step up in terms of screen). I looked at the new top end Kenwood units and they are still 800x480. The 7' Joying I was looking at was 1024x600 like you suggested.
-Did you try 24 or 100k maps?
-Was it so bad you took it off?
I guess I'd really like to see it. Any chance I could meet up to check it out? I'm local.
(I responded to your PM)

I haven't played around with the maps on the unit in a while, I'll see if I still have them loaded and maybe take some shots of the various levels of detail


Expedition Leader
From my experience with my AVIC 8200NEX Apple really throttles down/limits the full interplay/integration from i-Device to the head unit. For instance: MotionX GPS can not be utilized for input from the Pioneer. The best that can happen: Mirroring from the i-Device that just allows the Pioneer to be a monitor only. It is too bad Apple won't allow full pass through from the very apps they provide/authorize.

I'm setting up a new vehicle and going through the process of determining the best overall hardware choice for off-road nav'ing. I'm trying to keep the dash more clutter free ... but the sacrifices in utility and performance even in 2017 seem to make it a big compromise.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
I've looked at a lot of options/ways to skin the cat.
For me, having a separate standalone Garmin and a non-NAV equipped stereo head works best.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Insane audio

Check out insane audio Their unit has nav built in topo built I a sd slot for expansion and a whole lot more That is what was/am doing with my next vehicle/


Your best bet is to buy a deck & run a tablet with geo refrenced pdf maps using software such as Avenza. You may need to wifi hot spot your tablet to phone to get a position synced on map but its accurate enough for navigation. Last i looked into this i found that typicaly the decks do not have the processing power or resolution to provide a good experince.
check out insane audio preloaded topo in 3 d, a ton of memory and probably the best radio platform out there. If I would have kept my JKU I would have gone that route.

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