Which trailer an why?


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For you guys that went the teardrop route, how is the temperature inside when sleeping in the summer months?

I met the owner of this home built TD in SD last summer. Being from NC, he fit an AC on the front of it for when he has power. He said it's a must out east with the humidity, which I'm sure. Here in the also sweletering midwest, fortunately my RTT has large windows on all four-sides. I think outwest, you probably woudn't need AC once the sun goes down. Oh... the RTT on top of this trailer is for his kids.



New member
I like the teardrop trailers you get a place to sleep out of the elements an if ya have a few people going along throw a roof top tent on.


I used to have a tear-drop, one of the TAB's. Very high quality, but mine was the standard unit, so not off-road worthy really at all, but a fun trailer nonetheless.

I just recently purchased a trailer from Morris Mule and a Tepui RTT. My decision on the trailer was easy; I wanted something that could actually double as a real utility trailer for when I wanted to haul things, pick up mulch, stone, etc. My decision to go with Morris Mule was relatively easy as well. I pondered a multitude of other options; used Manley's, Rugers, etc. but when I started looking at the real versatility of a Morris Mule trailer my mind was made up. And to top it off, Morris himself is probably one of the easiest going persons I've ever dealt with on a transaction like this. Incredibly accommodating, 100% fair in price, and very high quality in his builds-couldn't be happier.MM3.jpg

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