2005 Ford F-450 Earthroamer, Salvaged, Mexico, Auction


I was told by my attorneys that the judge had ordered the sale of the Earthroamer would be prevented on the Federal Level, and that the Department of SAT/Mexican IRS was ordered not to dispose of the vehicle, until the case was settled.

So, I was returning confident in 2016, riding my Suzuki Bergman 650 from Northern Plainse to Laredo, Texas. I decide to visit the oilfields along the border that I had been a security guard on, and travel on the 2nd worse road in Texas. The 1st was over in Beesville area, but it may or may not be repaired by now. Anywho, this Vera Cruz to El Paso road is a serious challenge for me scooter, (it takes 1 hour and 45 minutes to travel 45 miles from the gates where we guarded) and I spend a night on the border with a vehicle not starting after dumping a time or two in sand dunes. I know, should have let air out of tires. That, and had an air pump along a stretch of road that most locals don't even know exists. As almost every local worker, total of 3, passes me by, one drops me off 8 bottles of water. That got me through a tough spot. The Border Patrol routinely drop by (3 times) and offer one bottle of water, but won't offer a ride out, as isn't in their governmental charter parameters, I eventually have a Maverick County Sheriff's Department Sergeant come out and offer me a ride out. Moto stays put, and I return next day with a new friend who has to see where this is, as he has no idea what road goes between Laredo and Eagle Pass, Texas. 12 miles off the pavement, we come to pick the Moto up and it stays with him to this day, repaired, and under his protection until I can return and pick it up.


Bus back to Tapachula, where my confident Attorneys are stating that the vehicle would be restored in October of 2016. Thus begins the returning the vehicle to the US and the plan to rent the vehicle, which some one pointed out earlier. Yep, was the plan. In and around Colorado, rent a Roamer for a week a time. Mice and men, such are the plans of....
Around May of 2017, I was told the Federal Court would settle the lawsuit, as I had clearly won and proved my case. "But, by the way, since you own such an expensive vehicle, and the damages and lawyers fees add up to money, we need $$$$." (Sigh. Make yet another extortioner happy with a partial payment). Now you are out of funds, so time to return home and sell your home and campground in order to afford to "finish" your case. Then suddenly, "Oh," says a friend up in South Dakota, 3500 miles away, "you need to return right away!"
Thus begins my 3500 mile, 4 day bus ride to the US border with your last $100, all the while being stopped no fewer than 19-21 (it really was a bunch of times, though might not have been exactly that many) times for passport/luggage checks by varying military, federal police, agricultural, and other enforcement organizations. Throw away all your fresh food, fruit, seeds, vegetables and nuts at the agricultural stop. Wait up two days while same friend decides to loan you money to travel remaining distance to your home, to travel another 3 days, in time to rescue my campground and house in South Dakota from my local Mayor, Inspector, and City Manager who are conspiring to steal this recent widower's properties by 10 day condemnation process for a few dead trees, my vehicles tags being out of date, and claiming that the sewer, water and electric were ruined/outdated.
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Saved the park and house from that attack, recovered my vehicles in time, but the family that offered "help" now wanted to buy the properties. They turn to enemies and decide to put a lien against the property after their financing fell through. Hunh?
The city turned the utilities off on the house in February of 2017, during the winter, unbeknownst to me. I lived in my fifth wheel up until this November, when the bills that were made by the family "helping" you out, leave you broke from the season.
I continue fighting the lien pro se, as the family "helping" had also spoke to a junior partner in the law firm that the lawyer who had been helping you with the estate now has a conflict of interest, after promising you that no one in his office had spoken to them.
All this while I had nearing four years back taxes piling up on the property that hasn't sold due to their "help." Although we donated the properties to a ministry, they were returned after I returned in 2016. And the "help" is trying to negotiate an extortioners price for the properties at a 90% discount, exposing the truth of their reason for the lien, to prevent others from buying the property, and to force a sale or drive me to the tax auction in the first place. Oh, and because their attorney talks to your attorney, it's attorney client privilege, and inadmissible in court. (Deeper sigh, rolls eyes). The local who I was returning to sell the property to (and was intercepted by the "help" who promised nearly twice their offer and defrauded), comes through on basically the last day and signs a purchase agreement, so the property isn't taken for back taxes. (whew. Just breathe).
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Sent my Mexican case, a copy of my title, the reports filed in Maverick County to the White House, care of President Donald Trump. C'mon Art of the Deal! Looks like a hail mary pass, but I am in stalemate, awaiting that one or perhaps many persons that may make the difference.
Did I mention that it's -17 and the city turns off your electricity in November, as all your money is tied up in assets that are currently in legal conflicts in two nations, so that you can't make payment for a $500 utility bill left from this summer. Exhausted friend that has helped, tired of having me squat for 39 days, during winter, while learning case law and handling filing dates, creating motions, decides to kick me out in -17. Laugh out loud. "Did you really just say, 'You're a big boy now.'" Wow. Thanks for the reprieve, though.
Did I mention the tires on your '00 Tundra that are driving you to your next friend's apartment are 10 years old, and showing the belts....at least he lets me stay in his efficiency two nights now.
Tomorrow is a new year, a new day, filled with wonder, and the promise of restitution from Mexico, the future sale of my properties after transferring out of probate and escrow in the New Year, and soon return of my Earthroamer from California.


Side note: The Hidalgo, Chiapas border is so well known for it's criminal activities, that is warrants it's own UN Mission to exploit the exploiters, as they attempt to give aid to illegal immigrants and prevent the rape, kidnapping, theft, and extortion of the Central American's passing through this Southern border.
Chiapas Mexico has the latest border technology, almost unlimited budget to capture, detain, apprehend, and deport back to their respective countries immigrants to Mexico, driving the newest Prevo's and other brand of buses in their deportation process. Even paying passenger bus lines available in the area are retired from elsewhere and not as nice as these. The train no longer comes through this way, so the Catholic Immigrant Shelter is having fewer amputees to receive donations from wealthy benefactors. They opened doors to the Cuban's who no longer have immediate immigration acceptance in US.
The UN does assist with cases of limited political asylum to Chiapas only, and for those who have been threatened by the gangs who are ruling and terrorizing capital cities and surrounding areas in Central America. They limit them to only being able to stay on the frontier, and believe me, the locals of Chiapas aren't appreciative of either. Immigrants are routinely taken advantage of, especially on this lower ebb of society, where a home owner will routinely rent to an immigrant for a while, then raise the rent precipitously. Or just get the police to evict them for whatever, and divide the personal effects with them.
Sadly, the states of Mexico pretty much detest Chiapas, as well does the countries of Central America. For that matter, the dog eat dog rule of the street runs obviously through the corruptacrats, whose emulation of governance is with the hand held out for bribery for almost every official matter, whether of legal immigration, marriage, birth certificates, or whatever, and then their bosses demand the percentage of their extortion.
A friend of mine had a engine replaced in his vehicle, and received a fine for not having registered the different motor's serial number to their vehicle registration at their equivalent of the DMV, which few employers would let you off your job for days to sit, wait, and pay to register it. If I hadn't been along, and the fine paid, he wouldn't have kept his car.


I would definitely return to Mexico. I would return with a vehicle that I am less invested in, though. So as to driving "sexy" south of the border, and likelihood of appearing in the next Earthroamer travel the world add, you do the math/calculate the risk. I think better of a late 90's/early 04 of several viable offerings would be less hazardous to your financial well being, and by all means, bust-tail the first 400-600 miles south of the US Border before thinking of slowing down with whatever you take. Life was more precious the farther from the narcapolcalyse along the US Border. Walk over and return, or buy yourself a non-descript, white whatever so you blend in and don't mind throwing the keys one way and running the opposite.

So, I am sure more will fall out of my typing that was missed, or be asked about, or whatever. I had some good years on this earth with the wife of my youth, and now I have had a few bad. Bless the LORD YeHoVaH. He gives, He takes away. Of course, in regards to many instances, some just take because they can, or are greedy, selfish, covetous of, or in want, not because He took away. Sad fact their reward for their misdeeds aren't temporary (Proverbs 1:19), as mine affliction most surely is.

I enjoyed owning my Earthroamer #009, and wouldn't trade my experiences for anyone else's. Similarly, I, and I am sure you, the reader, wouldn't wish them on anyone else. They are more than I can handle precisely so I will depend on Him who does and will handle them, because I can and will trust Him. Psalm 18:10 The name of YeHoVaH is a strong tower; the [consistently] righteous man [upright and in right standing with YeHoVaH God] runs into it and is safe, high [above evil] and strong.

So there it is. Enjoy. Or be shocked. Or both. Adieu, adios, auf Wiedersehen
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I'm so confused - so the MX Gov't seized this from you for unstated reasons in Feb 2016, but then you state in Nov 2016 that you won the case, and then again in early 2017 that it will be shortly be for rent in Colorado...

It's a crazy sounding story - write the book here please? Curious minds want to know what happened and whether it's foolish to drive anything sexy into MX these days

Your book is snapshotted, and your answer about sexy in MX is answered...read on curious workerdrone


Oh. Crap. Yea I remember seeing it for sale on ebay and emailed the account selling it just to see what they would say. He said he bought it at a government auction in Mexico and thats his business. Then sells what he buys from the auctions he goes to etc Anyways, I knew it would have some messed up story how they seized it.

Thanks for that inquiry, by the way. It was interesting justification.


The one for sale in Mexico is #9 The one Plainsmuse had for sale was #9.

So I wonder what happened for this to be seized by the Mexican government.

Maybe Plainsmuse has an answer.

Without that it would be difficult to even consider a purchase in mexico and on the return it is seized by US Customs and returned to Plainsmuse.

I appreciated your PM and I, too, am wondering exactly how it made it thru US Customs when reported stolen. But, it's for another day and chapter.


Yes, this is off topic, but it amazes me that the US so frequently and carelessly does business with such blatant corrupt govts all around the world.

Do billions of dollars worth of trade and then half *** condemn the corruption that our dollars prop up.

I have seen that the US under Trump has been demanding more of the countries it provides cash to, tying it to votes in the UN Council and other ways. Hold'em accountable if we are going to continue any billions for non-performance as a welfare recipient. That is an improvement, though I'd rather the funds went to paying down national debt or giving it Trey Gowdy to round up more of those no-gooders in Washinhood.


Damn , never wanted to go to Meixco and defiantly don't want to go now,
Sounds like a bad deal , hope things work out for you , soon


New member
I wont say much but i do believe some of your story is farfetched and possibly unreal. All of this for a replaceable car? It doesn’t add up. Like I mentioned before, you got off easy. Give it up and move on.

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Expedition Leader
Probably a good reason not to take a big dollar vehicle into countries with a long history of questionable legal history. Especially if your country elected a big A hole that lobs insults over the border for entertainment purposes.

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