Looking for a tracking app like the SPOT shared page

The Raven

I'm in the process of trying to find a way for folks back home to keep track of where we are. I don't have facebook so the occasional email is about it. I would like to set up a webpage for interested folks to keep in touch. I want something like the SPOT shared page without the $200yr service charge. I would love something that used a cloud service that I could send a flare depending on where we were and would pop up on an embeddable map like google maps.

I have looked at or know about

-Google Location tracking individual sharing---lacks an embedable map
-Spot Shared--Cost
-Inreach--Big $$$
-Wordpress plugins like Nomad Maps are only for wordpress and may have to be used.
-APRS, not useful for long distances in new areas.

Any suggestions?
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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Spotwalla is just a position handling service, the actual tracking can be any way you want and you feed it that information, which it maps, shares and sends however you want.

The reason SPOT costs $200 a year is the same reason InReach is expensive, they have a constellation of satellites and ground infrastructure to get your position literally anywhere regardless. Doesn't need cell coverage or amateur radio at all.

Google I assume requires you to have cell phone coverage. APRS works in some pretty remote places, you'd be amazed at how far afield you can be and get a position beacon relayed to the Internet. FWIW, Spotwalla can use SPOT and APRS (I have my Spotwalla account tied to both), InReach and other services I think. It just aggregates all of them into one place.

The Raven

APRS is great...IF and ONLY IF you stay in your same general area of exploration or feel like constantly finding nodes and reprogramming. I'm a HAM but honestly hate using my radio, only getting it to avoid the FRS bands in talking with my wife on the motorcycle.

Spotwalla is nice as it works on my phone, data or none. I don't need real time, just a general tracker to allow friends/fam to see where we are. I had a SPOT. Nice service, but not worth the money for me.

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