Okay, been noodling this one over plenty the last couple of days. I found a
thread on a UK Delica board the describes the process of taking our black instrument panel to white and thereafter lighting the area with brighter lights. Yeah! Night driving, I just sort trust that I'm not going too fast because I'm behind the wheel of a gutless wonder.
The link no longer works, go figure, but the picture is helpful because we have a manufacturer of the panel replacement.
Lockwood still makes panel replacements for Mitsubishi's older Delicas. Boo! I doubt my ability to get them to laser cut and print a new-old panel like what is in the thread photo so my options are:
1) Print and replace myself a custom panel
2) Find an old Lockwood or equivalent from a defunct van somewhere in the world.
I've gone the route of option-one before. I did this for a VW about a decade ago and it took way more time and effort than I would have liked, but it made knowing how slow I was going a lot easier after sunset. What I may look into doing this time is taking out the panel, tracing it for a pattern and then cutting and printing my own version, thereby saving myself the time of having the panel out and not being able to drive my rig. Option-two is only workable if I get lucky, so bleh. Putting this out here because sometimes the best way to get lucky is to ask. Anyone have a white lockwood in MPH or KPH for a 1991 Delica?