JK: running both the ARB and Genright at the same time


Yep, came on timeline. I have a write up but I have been traveling for work and don't have access to my home computer. Will post it up when I get home. Bottom line, customer service was above outstanding, Australian English is not English (instructions need some polishing for a novice), and with early testing I got over 500 miles of range but that was pieces of driving so I am not sure how accurate it is until I get home and drive it consistently.


Finally home so posting more info. I tried to take some pictures of the install but got time compressed due to son being sick and it dropped off. Pictures I did take were not good do to angle. Will be happy to answer install questions if anyone else gives it a try.

Overall it is very well-made with everything included. Looks factory, it can be done in a garage with floor jack and jack stands but I don't recommend it if you can get a lift. Took me 2 days but I was methodical + had to move stuff around (had a pump installed underneath for a shower + pump for my titan tank). With main +aux getting over 500 in town and I will probably get close to 600 on the highway. With the titan tank can potentially touch 800 (yes I know I have no reason to, but I really hate gas stations)

Operation is super easy, push button let it empty into main tank. Fills up at same time as main tank when refueling. Wife hasn't complained once which is my true measure of success.

Things that could be improved on:
- Instructions. They are in English but the metric made it more complicated. I could figure it out with the given lengths but it was just annoying when the fuel line says 5/16" on it but I now have to think about what that equates to. I know, first world problems.

- Pictures. Some intermediate pictures in the would be helpful, i.e. where to route the hoses, where to put the pump and bolt hole locations and clamps. There was one EFI clamp and not being mechanic meant some guessing.

- Example of the bolt hole issue is the instructions said there is one hole in the front cross-member for the in-board mount hole. My jeep did not have that (had a top hole but not a bottom) and I did not realize that until I had already drilled out the holes and it didn't look right. A picture probably would have clued me into it.

- Used an installation video on YouTube but it was for a slightly different tank so it helped some but was not perfect.

- Would have liked to had mounting point on the tank for the pump. I attached the pump to body of jeep and it was not a deal breaker just would have made life easier.

The real story though was Ward at Cruiser Brothers. The customer service was amazing. He answered tons of questions about as quickly as you can do it. I am still in awe that I started inquiries on a Sunday night and had almost a chat like email going with everything answered within a hour. I also sent an email about delivery while on the east coast at 0600 my time (so 3a.m. his time) and received an immediate answer. Tank showed up to US within +/- a day of when he said it would and he was super flexible working the delivery around my schedule.

Price seemed expensive at the time but for what you get I believe it is a fair price considering it is a custom made part being shipped around the world. Falls in the master card category of tank $xxx, labor $xxx, pushing a button to double range - priceless. I would definitely do it again.


Expedition Leader

That is awesome to hear. With this tank installed, do you feel there is enough room, somewhere, for any type of muffler, of any configuration, if you were to install the GenRight Aux Tank as well in the stock muffler location?

After rethinking through my plans and options, I'm not asking about the configuration options so I can run more fuel, but if running the LRA tank, could I fit a water tank the size of the GenRight.

20gals of water and the extra fuel from the LRA gives you a lot of time in the backcountry without having to find civilization.

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Let me take a look and I will post a reply. Initial response is maybe, but depends on noise tolerance. I believe you could put small muffler (will measure it) after the resonator and then straight pipe it. I am thinking something like DynoMax 17267 Ultra Flo. Would probably have to fabricate your own heat shield for that part as the one included wouldn't fit. For the gen right what do they do with the muffler?
your other issue is evap canister, it goes where the gen right would be.
I think it would be possible to do what dan (grecy) did with his water tank just in the back.
I will get some pictures.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
...I think it would be possible to do what dan (grecy) did with his water tank just in the back....

For what it's worth, I'm thinking about a water tank where mine is now (where the LRA goes) and a gas tank (maybe a TJ tank) at the back where the stock muffler is.
Obviously would have to find a home for a tiny muffler, details to be determined.

My reasoning for this is that 100% of the time when I'm going remote I fill the water to the brim, but I don't always fill the extra gas capacity. The stock tank can get plenty of range, so I don't want all that extra weight if I don't actually need it.
Given the water tank will always be full, I would rather it be between the front and rear axles, not behind it. Behind it would be the extra gas that would only be full sometimes, and even then I would use up that tank first to not have that weight behind the rear axle for long.
Just my ideas for the future...



So it won't let me attach a picture (I can email them if you can pm your email address).
After the resonator it narrows from 11" to 8" (tank to frame rail) and it looks like they keep a minimum of 2" between tank heat shield. There is also a lip at the bottom of the tank that starts just after the resonator that limits downward expansion.
Goods news is evap is moved above rear axle and won't affect anything. I would say best option is a solution where new muffler starts after rear axle. Other option is to replace resonator with a muffler of similar size and straight pipe it, I have no idea how that would work but it is a option.

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