new version of google earth

Well this is frustrating I down loaded the new version of google earth. I had alot of trails and stuff mapped out on the old version . I can find a way to drop a pin in the new version, and I can't drag and drop my places form th eold version to the new version. The new version runs in chrome and the old version runs in safari. Any ideas ?


Not sure what you're talking about. I'm using the newest ver: (64-bit) and the "Add Placemark" "Add Path" buttons are the same place as before and work the same as before. I just tried importing a KMZ file and everything went just fine.

How were you doing things that doesn't work now?


You're confusing the new web version of Google Earth with the desktop version: Google Earth Pro.

Frankly, I don't understand the point of Google Earth in the browser. You're right that it doesn't have pretty much any of the desktop features. Fun for spinning the globe and looking around, but that's about it...


Oh yeah that web version sucks. I'd only use that in a pinch, but for full on planning and exploring places to go it's all about the desktop version (love how they have some full on 3D landscapes for some of the backcountry areas and not just cities now.)


As stated, this is a confusion between Google Earth Pro (desktop) and Google Earth Web. My understanding from a few years back was that GE Pro will eventually be deprecated. I assume that the Web version will have most of the planning features at that point, but not sure. Google My Maps is another decent planning option that lets you set points and routes, save and share maps, and export details as KMLs. Less for off highway but still a good tool to know (not to be confused with standard Google Maps!).


... Google My Maps is another decent planning option that lets you set points and routes, save and share maps, and export details as KMLs. Less for off highway but still a good tool to know (not to be confused with standard Google Maps!).

Thanks for this. I have never heard of it, just used Google maps. Just checked it out and it looks like it has all I need.



Google My Maps is another decent planning option that lets you set points and routes, save and share maps, and export details as KMLs. Less for off highway but still a good tool to know (not to be confused with standard Google Maps!).

What am I missing? I thought this was just what I needed, simple and basic. Problem is I can't save my created route to my tablet. I use google maps by saving off-line maps but can't save routes for off-line.

I have the data turned off for the tablet and use the house Wi-Fi to down load, then turn the Wi-Fi to simulate being out away from coverage. When I turn Wi-Fi off my route will not show up. Am I missing something?


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