Procuring canvas to patch an Eezi Awn tent


Hillbilly of Leisure
I need to extend a vestibule on an Eezi Awn Globetrotter and repair some holes while I'm at it. This is a big deal because I will need to remove the tent from the frame in order to have a local fellow perform the repairs.

Has anyone sourced olive canvas that is either the same or comparable to Eezi Awn? I'm not really worried about color, etc. Just want quality canvas.

I've been emailing and calling the US dealers, but am really getting tired of begging people to take my money when searching for severely overpriced items such as RTTs and parts for them. To be fair, I haven't called them all yet.

I can't be the first guy to look into this. I'd appreciate any advice.



Hillbilly of Leisure
I got in touch with Equipt today. They are going to do some digging and see if they can come up with something for me.

I've been doing my own looking and found some 10 oz. rip-stop olive canvas, but it doesn't have poly or wax in it. If I could find some olive green or black 12 oz. wax impregnated polycotton ripstop I'd buy it. :)

I looked at the Tear Aid and it seems like it would be pretty slick. The punctures I need to repair are on frame stress points. Might be best to patch them with two layers of canvas.

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