Dometic fridg INTERIOR light flashing???


Has anyone with a Dometic portable fridg (mine is the CFX-50w) ever had their interior light/lamp flash while the door is open? I'm not talking about the status LEDs on the control panel, but the actual lamp that lights up the interior compartment. It is a steady flash the entire time the lid is open. It seems like it would be an indicator of something, not a flickering like the light is not working correctly.

I did just call Dometic and after explaining the above 3 times, the lady finally said it sounded like the light bulb was going out. I personally don't believe that is what this is and the manual says nothing about it.

Dometic is sending me a replacement bulb free of charge (the fridg is less than 4 months old). The surprising thing was that she simply asked me when I bought it and required no proof what so ever. Maybe on a high dollar part they would though.


Mine flashes after a minute of being opened to remind me of the fact that it is open

I could see the speed/cadence of my flashing for something like that, but mine sometimes does it as soon as I open it. I've also notice that the temp readout on the control panel is not very accurate. Mine typically reads 8°-12° lower than what it is inside (based on a thermometer that I think is pretty accurate).


Does it flash when its lid is closed ? :)
Sounds like its 3min. lid timer maybe buggered or lid switch not working right so it thinks its lid is always open.

I'll have to put one of my wireless security cams in there to find out! lol

I could not find anything in the manual about the lid timer, so I'll call customer service back and ask them about that and the lid switch.

Thanks guys.


I have a brand new CFX40W with the same issue. The interior LED on the right side flickers and it's super annoying, especially not happy because it's BRAND NEW! LED bulbs shouldn't die like that so I suspect a wiring issue. I confirmed lid switch is good by videoing with my phone inside and closing the lid, light goes out and comes on as it should with lid open/close. I have could a couple other cases on some reviews and people not getting much support. Just commenting here to see if the bulb fixes your issue and add another case.

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