Disabled Explorers Grade School Presentatiions


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I wish I had some cool pics to go with this thread but since I do the majority of this myself it isn't always possible.

Lately I have been doing a series of grade school presentations. It started with my own son's school and has kind of taken off.
The idea is to setup a slideshow in the classroom, along with some of the gear we use/modify for the disabled.
Then we go outside and the kids can climb all over the FJC, play with the hand controls, see themselves on the video spotting system and see how the handicapped can overcome mobilty issue inorder to enjoy a full and adventurous life.

Granted this is local to Phoenix Arizona but someday it when we have established more disabled ambassadors around the country this could happen at a school near you.

If you live in the valley and know of a group that would benefit from a presentation please let me know. We do all of this free of charge, just like everything else we do.

Soon we plan to take these presentations to the special needs kids in the school system so that they can see adults with physical mobilty issues adapting, overcoming and exploring. And maybe a few parents of those kids will realize they can enjoy the backcountry also.

Just wanted to let ya'll know what we are up to and how your help is being used.



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I recently got some feedback that many people weren't aware of what we have been up too....much of that is my fault for not keeping up on the website and for not getting pic of everything.

I visit newly disabled folks at Phx area hospitals 1x week or so...it helps them to look at pics on a laptop and talk with someone who has moved on in life.

The website gets a couple of emails a day from disabled folks who want help researching products or solutions so they can get outdoors.
The phone rings every other day or so, normally that isn't a bad deal but working nights I tend to sleep during the day. However they don't know that and I honestly don't mind as that is the point of DE after all.
And then there is the very exicting position papers that get written in response to all the Travel Management Plans for all the National Forest, letters in response to the Action Alerts Blue Ribbon sends out, phone calls to BLM, National Forest, State Parks and others to let them know how important motorized access is to the disabled.

Yeah most of what we are doing is behind the scenes but I owe it to everyone who has helped to get this info out there so they know what we are up to and how their help is paying off. Also so they realize that our efforts on trail access benefit everyone disabled & able bodied alike.


Hi Lance

You & the clean up ended up as example of a success story in todays TL Tread Trainer course.

A lot of good info but even better a day spent with BLM & volunteers working to educate & keep trails open.


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