California State Park Closures


Don't let Sacramento close our state parks! By taking away state parks'
General Fund budget over 200 parks risk closure! Help us fight the
closure proposal by donating today. Your donation will help us keep the
pressure on the Governor and State Legislature so that everyone can
continue to enjoy California's magnificent state parks!
Governor Schwarzenegger's budget plan that if approved will close at least
80% of California's entire state park system.






My wife and I are "Touring Members"


Glamping Society
Wow I'm sorry to hear you have this going on. We just went through some similar closures here in AZ although nothing close to this extent. At any rate, closing land to the public is always a bad thing....get out there and contact your State Reps Californians!


Why don't they just slash a lot of the programs the parks run. They could close down the visitor centers, cut family/childrens programs, etc.

Just keep the park rangers on board to do patrols and hand out tickets. Besides the larger parks like Yosemite and Sequoia I hardly ever see the Rangers anyway.



I don't understand why they have to be "closed." Just because there's no budget to pay for maintenance of the facilities doesn't mean citizens don't have the right to go there. It's our damn land anyway.

Tell the Governator to stick it and you'll go where you want in your country. These politicians (all of 'em) need to quit acting like everything is THEIRS.


Red Coat

New member
Agreed.... it seems they should still allow access - just no rangers and without maintenance maybe some of the trails will improve :sombrero:


Maybe the governor has it in for state parks. I know he has received a few citatons from state park rangers.


My wife and I sent e-mails to the Governator, and CC'd some of the representatives. Today we got this back in response:

Thank you for writing to me about funding for our state parks system. Your input is important to me during these challenging times.

California's natural beauty is renowned throughout the world, and I have made it my priority to protect our environment so future generations of Californians can continue to experience and enjoy what we have all come to love. Our state parks provide a fantastic introduction to the California experience and help bring our residents and visitors closer to our landscapes.

Unfortunately, the state cannot continue to bear the costs of supporting every program. Believe me when I say that these cuts have been the hardest decisions of my career as Governor, but we are in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Our revenues for the coming year are at least 27 percent below where they were projected to be just two short years ago. We now face a shortfall that has grown to $26.3 billion, and the people of California have made their voice clear: they want the state to live within its means and solve its problems through spending cuts and not tax increases.

To help manage our budget shortfall, I have proposed eliminating General Fund support for the Department of Parks and Recreation. I understand that these cuts will impact not only the lives of our park employees but the millions of park visitors who visit these national treasurers every year. In spite of these General Fund cuts, though, I will work to keep as many parks open as possible with funding from user fees. It may require raising entry and camping fees, expanding partnerships with local government and non-profit groups, and seeking additional creative ways to support our system in the future.

As I work with my partners in the Legislature to find solutions to these problems, know I will keep your thoughts in mind. Working together, I believe we can weather this storm and start the slow but steady march back toward prosperity.


Arnold Schwarzenegger


I have read most of the information regarding this but couldn't find exactly when (dates?) these closures are to take place.

Does anyone know?


Is it me- or does California have about 100 too many state parks anyway? The ****ty little local park near me has about 3 rangers driving in circles in brand new f150s doing god knows what with tons of resources for 13sq miles of state park.

There was a great article at the time of the Schvantznegger proposal to close parks- talking about the millions of dollars spent on brand new Fibreglass Life Guard huts spent in Socal for the Baywatch we really need to spend millions on life guard huts........?

I was recently in the Lost Coast at a park that was miles from anywhere and there was plenty of rangers driving around in f150s-- brand new again.

It seems like the State Park system has dipped its feet into the California coffers and is overdue for a little culling.

Californias environmental groups need to step up the educational awareness-----cut the State Park $'s ---and allow local groups to "adopt a park". The system is terribly broken and unfortunately the state park system is a contributor.
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California is a case study on how NOT to run a state. The next time somebody says, "as California goes, so goes the nation," I'm going to pop his arrogant butt with a rubber band.

There is nothing to learn from California's gov't except how not to act. Unfortunately, our President looks there and to less fortunate countries as examples on how to rule, govern, or whatever it is he does.

Oops, probably crossed the line with that comment!


New member
I agree with comments about wilful spending in some of the parks. In local neighborhood the ranger looks after a tiny public park and playground and gets a house, vehicle etc.

I'm sure it could be as well managed by local communities. However I would feel bad for the staff who are likley to lose jobs in the process.

Other than that, they really should increase user fees. CA is so screwed that it has to raise money, not just make cuts.


Expedition Leader
They spent close to a billion...yep with a "B"...on the new bug station on I-80 just east of Truckee; and God knows how much to operate it.

"Got any fruit from out of state"? Out of stater entering CA: "Nope" (with a trunk full of Texas grapefruit). "Ok...have a nice day".

A billion to have 99% of the fruit and veggie importers lie about it anyway.

So if they can spend this kind of serious dough on BS then surely they can come up with something to keep a few of their state parks open...

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