Flip-pac camper build

Bella PSD

I am also looking at using some kind of fan to exhaust the gasses. The heater is not that bad. Its the fridge thats the problem. I might sell it and look at something smaller.

I also have the entire electric hook up to install. 30 amp Circuit box, 30’ cord and 5 outlets for campground camping. I will wire it to work with my Honda EU 2000.



If it were me, I'd ditch the LP fridge, and get an Engle/Norcold 12V. The LP fridges are enough trouble without the draft from the rear of the truck blowing the flame out. They also do not stay as cold, IMHO, as the 12V Engle design. (And you would not have to enclose the fridge to prevent CO intrusion.)


I agree on the frig. Get a 12V high efficiency. Norcold also makes one as does Nova Kool. I installed a Nova Kool this summer and estimate it draws less than 20 AH per day on a 3.8 cf frig.

Bella PSD

How much are they and how big? I can run this fridge I have now on 12V or LP or 110. Can the Engle/Norcold 12V be moved around easy in the bed of the truck. Say, travel in one location and move it to sleep??


Bella PSD

Hydro flame/Atwood Furnace- Everest Star II 7920-IIF 20,000 BTU. It looks like there is a side discharge for the gas. That would help out!!

Also, The fridge has not been used in a while so I got it going. After 4 hours it was -22.3 in the freeze and 21.1 in the fridge!! Temp in the garage was 47. Its a Dometic 12V, 110 and LP..#RM 2333 and 29-3/4"H x 20-1/2"W x 21-3/8"D
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ExPo Original
Bella PSD said:
I have everything from the slide in camper to go into the Flip Pac. Sink, water tank, table, fridge, heater…. everything!

Well if you have the guts of another camper to swap over that makes sense. Especially for the heater vent.

As long as you're being creative and possibly looking at fabbing a custom rear entry, what about something like this, made by ARE Toppers?




You could probably order just the rear door for a Ford sized topper and only have to cut for the vent....? It should fit with the FlipPac fairly easily.

You still wouldn't have a tailgate, but this would allow you to have the small door for getting in and out but also the whole back would open, allowing you to more easily put in and take out larger objects if necessary. It wouldn't interefere with the FlipPac either since the tent opens forward.

You'd get a little bit of shade or cover from the weather and would still have some flat space to work on.... whatever you might need flat space to work on. You'd also have much better rear visibility out the larger glass back door.

Here's a link to Peter Parks website with initital and updated impressions of his ARE topper with full size rear door.

Bella PSD

njtaco said:
What furnace are you using? Hydroflame? 7000 series? What about a diesel cooktop/heater? Spendy, but one less fuel to carry. (And it could vent out the side, I think.)

Got this e-mail today about used DIESEL heaters....
Hello again, the D2 heater puts out 7500 btu with four different speed
levels, and is used on most tractor- trailors to heat the cab and bunk, we
have used this size to heat up to 32 foot boats quite easy. I sell the used
heater with harness, thermostat, fuel pump, fuel pick up,
for $600.00 tax
included a new heater sells for approx $1800.00. there is a used D3 which
puts out approx 13,000 btu for 700.00, a D4 for 800.00 (14,000 btu) and the
D5 sell for $1000.00 with 18,000 btu. we sell D4 heaters for the coast guard
barges to heat a area of approx 10x 10x 8 foot high. These prices do not
include shipping Barry


Do you have a link to the heaters mentioned? I'm curious if and how they vent outside.

The 7000 series hydroflame only needs about a 4 inch by 6 inch (or so)intake/exhaust plate, and can have a fair amount of flexability regarding the distance from the back of the furnace to that plate. I would think it could be mounted to exhaust out the side of the truck bed, at floor level. No mods to the flip-pac that way. The furnace body is not too deep, IIRC.

Bella PSD

kcowyo said:
Well if you have the guts of another camper to swap over that makes sense. Especially for the heater vent.

As long as you're being creative and possibly looking at fabbing a custom rear entry, what about something like this, made by ARE Toppers?

You still wouldn't have a tailgate, but this would allow you to have the small door for getting in and out but also the whole back would open, allowing you to more easily put in and take out larger objects if necessary. It wouldn't interefere with the FlipPac either since the tent opens forward.

You'd get a little bit of shade or cover from the weather and would still have some flat space to work on.... whatever you might need flat space to work on. You'd also have much better rear visibility out the larger glass back door.

Here's a link to Peter Parks website with initital and updated impressions of his ARE topper with full size rear door.

Maybe one of the attached images. The Super Camper door looks like something I could make. The back of the Flip-Pac is flat and most fiberglass shells have a slope to them.

View attachment 5207

View attachment 5202

View attachment 5203

View attachment 5204

View attachment 5205

View attachment 5206


Espar - that's the one I was thinking you meant was for sale. This could heat the cabin, truck cab, pre-warm the engine, and possibly provide hot water with a second coolant-to-water heat exchanger. Of course, it is too easy to spend your money!

The radiator for the Flip-pac would only measure about 10-12 inched square, with coolant lines running to under the hood. Using this idea, the truck's engine coolant would keep the Flippac warm while on the road, without running an additional furnace. If you went with an engine-assist water heater, you could have hot water available whenever the engine has been running, too.

This is the water heater I am thinking of: http://ducktec.com/itm00150.htm

Bella PSD

njtaco said:
Espar - that's the one I was thinking you meant was for sale. This could heat the cabin, truck cab, pre-warm the engine, and possibly provide hot water with a second coolant-to-water heat exchanger. Of course, it is too easy to spend your money!

The radiator for the Flip-pac would only measure about 10-12 inched square, with coolant lines running to under the hood. Using this idea, the truck's engine coolant would keep the Flippac warm while on the road, without running an additional furnace. If you went with an engine-assist water heater, you could have hot water available whenever the engine has been running, too.

This is the water heater I am thinking of: http://ducktec.com/itm00150.htm

From your same link...Here is the LP furnace I have now.

The Espar Diesel D2 heater I found used puts out 7500 btu (for $600) The Hydroflame I have now puts out 20,000 BTU. The D5 for $1000.00 with 18,000btu is what I would need if I went Diesel.

Link to the
Kinda how it works....
Espar Heaters Systems has entered the automotive market and are promoting their Hydronic 4 & Hydronic 5 Coolant Heaters to preheat the diesel engines of pickup trucks, vans and cars. The coolant heaters can also supply advanced cab heat and supplemental heat to the vehicle's interiors.

And here is how the Espar's Diesel Hydronic 4 Coolant Heater works...Kinda
View attachment 5219
One heat source for cabin heat/pre heat engine and hot water!! All fired on Diesel..To COOL They even have a 7 day timmer!

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ExPo Original
Bella PSD said:
The Super Camper door looks like something I could make. The back of the Flip-Pac is flat and most fiberglass shells have a slope to them.


I really like the Supercamper rear door idea too. Very clever and well designed.

It has been suggested to me that a screen door, in addition to the solid door would be nice. I haven't pursued it, but while you're in the planning stages it may be something you wish to consider.

When is your Flip Pac scheduled to show up?

Bella PSD

Flip Pac gets here Tuesday!! :camping: That will be the day I find out how close the Chevy and Ford beds are in lenght(or better yet, how long the Chevy Flip-Pac is). I was told Chevy is 3"+-short....I will see on Tues. The Flip-Pac is coming back on a F 350 Super Duty long bed. The driver told me it was a perfect fit side to side!!!

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