An expedition truck on portals...


This truck (and thread) are amazing... This is going to hurt my wallet big time. Decided I am going to own something with Portals/Unimogs in my lifetime :p

Ray Hyland

Expedition Leader
Hi Robert, I hope you are well and hope the rebuild goes smoothly.

Given your usual attention to detail I am looking forward to following the build.



Good morning guys and sorry for the long silence.
It´s been very tough 15 months for me and I am only slowly getting back onto my feet, but sadly not fast enough to safe my Defender which requires rather immediate funds to safe and have it rebuild by the show that I commissioned to do the work.

So, being in this extremely tough situation, I decided to grab the last straw that I could see at this time and started a GoFundMe Campaign to safe the LR130CC-R(hino) and maybe some of you guys can and would like to help me achieve this, so it can be finished and finally go on the expedition to the USA, across Russia, Siberia and Japan, that I've been planning for so long.

Here's the link:

Anything will help and hopefully we can pull this off together.

Thank you so much in advance!

If we manage to safe the Rhino, I´ll do everything in my power to drive it to SEMA Show this year and have it at King of the Hammers 2020 for all of you to drive and enjoy!!!!


....a quick update as I am overwhelmed by the feedback and positive reactions of the past few days.

The reach my initial post of this campaign on my "Rallyewerk" page on Facebook (last Sunday) has had is totally mind-blowing to me and the stream of messages and phone calls of support are beyond my expectations.
I wish to thank everyone who's decided to financially support me in saving the LR130CC-R(hino)!
After receiving a phone call from a longtime friend and supporter of this project on Monday morning, I was in tears, as he not only offered to handle most of the immediate funds required but is also organizing the pickup of all the parts for next week to bring them to his shop where we'll work on putting the truck back together later this summer.


The Rhino will be back and I am more confident than ever that it´s journeys will continue.

More to come! ;-)

Michel Roux

New member
Bonjour et merci pour le forum . Je untilise le traducteur automatique pour du français. Je trouve génial de installé des portal axel , je croi que industrie automobile aurait dû plus utilisé et se serait plus accessible . Je me demande si peux t'on utilisé les différentiel de unimog 404 .
Bonjour et merci pour le forum . Je untilise le traducteur automatique pour du français. Je trouve génial de installé des portal axel , je croi que industrie automobile aurait dû plus utilisé et se serait plus accessible . Je me demande si peux t'on utilisé les différentiel de unimog 404 .

Translation from the GoogleBots for @Michel Roux

Hello and thank you for the forum. I untilise the automatic translator for French. I find it great to install portal axels, I believe that the automobile industry should have been used more and more accessible. I wonder if we can use the differential of unimog 404.

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