Here's my own version of an awning made from a pup tent and some PVC pipe.
This all started as just me wanting a work mat for field repairs and picked up half of an old military pup tent from the local surplus store for just that purpose. I was laying it out on my Bronco's tailgate when I realized it would fit perfectly over the back. Well, some quick hardware store trips and a few more trips back to the surplus store and viola!
I also purchased the other half of the pup tent to use as a sidewall. Works pretty well in testing and seems strong, but I didn't get a chance to test it in real world before I got deployed so hopefully, I'll be able to test it out this fall.
I screwed a couple of tie downs under the wheel wells to help hold the tent to the top so I wouldn't have to tie them to the tires/axles like some people. That just looks sloppy to me.
It still needs a little work, as I'm not sure how it will react in rain, but I'm very confident it will give me enough room for me and the gf to sleep in the back comfortably.