"Safari Cab" modular hardtop project


Expedition Leader
I'm in the process of designing and building a series of modular fiberglass hardtops, and since the styling of the top is along the lines of expedition vehicles I thought folks in this forum might be interested. Here's a concept drawing of the top on an LJ:


The top is assembled from modular components, and it will be possible to build half-cabs and full-length hardtops for everything from CJ-7s' to Scramblers to TJ's and LJ's, here's a drawing of some of the variants.


And some photos of a rough LJ concept model:


I've been posting the build on jeepforum, and I've gotten lots of great feedback and design input there, but I thought I'd probably get some great feedback on the project here, so that's why I'm posting. I'd be interested in hearing what you think of the project. I can also post lots more detail on the project if people here are interested.

I'm building the masters and molds for these tops as a personal project for my own Jeeps, but I've been discussing bringing these tops to market with a company that's in the Jeep aftermarket and they're very interested in commercializing these - so any feedback I get from you will be important info that could help us build a better commercial product.

Here's the original thread: http://www.jeepforum.com/forum/f9/safari-cab-custom-hardtop-project-952157/



Appalachian Ridgerunner
I've been watching your progress over on the Jeepforum and cannot express how impressed with your skills I've been. I not even going to mention how cool it was when you modded the Jeep diecast, cause that would be to geeky. :sombrero: I especially like the modular aspect of your concept. While my wife loves our Jeep (ours is an LJ), she often could care less about the "stuff" that goes on it. As long as it works and makes her life easier she's uninterseted in the "gear factor". But when she saw your concept for the safari tops she actually express admiration for it and expressed how cool a top like that would be on ours. She especially liked the sliding side windows and the use of the XJ rack.

It will be interesting to see how the ExPo crowd reacts to it.


Expedition Leader
I've been watching your progress over on the Jeepforum and cannot express how impressed with your skills I've been. I not even going to mention how cool it was when you modded the Jeep diecast, cause that would be to geeky. :sombrero: I especially like the modular aspect of your concept. While my wife loves our Jeep (ours is an LJ), she often could care less about the "stuff" that goes on it. As long as it works and makes her life easier she's uninterseted in the "gear factor". But when she saw your concept for the safari tops she actually express admiration for it and expressed how cool a top like that would be on ours. She especially liked the sliding side windows and the use of the XJ rack.

It will be interesting to see how the ExPo crowd reacts to it.

Thanks! I'm hoping to get lots of good feedback from the crowd here.


Expedition Leader
WOW!!!! Simply impressive! How much would one cost? for a 97 TJ Sport? and when would it be available?

Thank you! In my discussions with "the company" (they don't want to be named yet), we're hoping we can bring them to market for a few hundred dollars more than other hardtops that are on the market. The windows and modular construction make them a little more expensive to produce, but we think we can get them to market for an attractive price. Depends a lot on options and final configurations, I've gotten a lot of feedback from people on jeepforum for options and features wanted :).

I'm building the masters for the molds right now, the roof panel is basically done and the side panels are underway. I hope to be molding the first prototype tops late spring this year - I've set an "unofficial" personal deadline of having the LJ top prototype done and on my LJ to be displayed at the PA All Breeds Jeep show in July. That's just the deadline for my personal Jeep; once I finish the prototype(s) then the company would have to take my masters and make their own molds for commercial production from them so I can't say when these would be available to buy.


I like it. Great concept. If you make a bed topper version for my 2001 Tacoma Double Cab, I'm really going to be a fan!



I too have been watching on the other forum. I really love your concept. You wood working skills are great as well.:ylsmoke:


Expedition Leader
Are there plans to make these available for YJ/CJ as well as TJ?

I am building the components so they can be used on TJ's, YJ's and CJ's, in both full-length hardtops and half-cabs.

Here's a concept drawing I did showing the YJ/CJ full cab version:


And here's some photos I took just yesterday as I was test-fitting the Safari Cab door jamb masters on my CJ pickup project (along with a few more concept model photos)...

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Root Moose

Expedition Leader
Looks great. I've been following your progress on the other site (only lurk since selling the CJ8) and have been impressed with how good an eye you have and the attention to detail.

I guess being modular, there is no reason why someone couldn't assemble a top for a YJ that runs a TJ Unlimited soft top (i.e. been stretched)?


SE Expedition Society

Sliding windows (screened too) and basket on top for a 2-door JK? Please?

That would be exactly what I need.



Expedition Leader
I guess being modular, there is no reason why someone couldn't assemble a top for a YJ that runs a TJ Unlimited soft top (i.e. been stretched)?

The Safari Cab roof panels will have different windshield header inserts depending on which Jeep they're intended for. So the LJ roof panel will have a header to fit properly with a LJ/TJ windshield. The CJ/YJ roof panels will have a header insert to mate properly with the CJ and YJ windshields.

I suppose an LJ roof panel could be made with a CJ/YJ header insert to fit a stretched YJ like that.


Expedition Leader

Sliding windows (screened too) and basket on top for a 2-door JK? Please?

That would be exactly what I need.

I am planning on sliding windows.

The components I'm building at the moment fit CJ/YJ/TJ Jeeps. The company and I have talked about me doing a JK Safari Cab hardtop next, but I'm not even going to think about that until the current project is done. I've done a few concept drawings of a JK Unlimited with a raised rear roof section, I think it would be pretty cool...


You can count me in on one for my JK Unlimited! Can't wait for the current project to get finished, then you can start on the JK Top.

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