It is a great question, I've made a few changes to mine since completing the build. Some of the things were 10-12 year old technology, which were good and proven when I started the build, but now are almost obsolete.
1. Bigger fuel tanks, I added swapped out my 130l secondary tank for a 190lt tank, and added the capability of carry another 100lt in jerry cans below the camper. I would have fitted 200lt tanks both sides ( might upgrade the 160lt tank some time in the future still) The extra range is needed here in Australia, where fuel can be in short supply in the Outback, and sometime over 500km between fuel stations and very expensive in remote areas.
2. Lead Acid batteries - I also replaced my lead acid batteries with LiFePo4 batteries, saving about 160kg and doubling the usable capacity
3. Leather seats, we swapped them out for Alcantara seats - leather was great in theory, but pretty uncomfortable when wearing shorts ( or less

4. Awnings - we would have made the awning we now have a long time ago, it would have made long term camping so much better.
My wife and I did talk about the U1250 as the platform, and if we had started with a U1700 the camper would have been substantially bigger, but the downside is it would not fit in our shed, and we could not have taken it on some of the narrower places we have taken the U1250 as easily. Whilst having the interior space would be good, the downsides of having a much bigger and heavier truck far outweight 1.2m of extra space for our needs. Our new awning gives us about 3 times the usable space outside than inside the truck, if only takes about 15 minutes to set up, and 30 minutes to pack away. No something you would do on the side of the road, but when staying more than just overnight, it is easy enough.
Here are a few photos of the changes we have made.
1. 190 lt Fuel tank
View attachment 672804
Extra jerry can holder
View attachment 672803
160 lt fuel tank and compartment for extra fuel storage - we can move the tools etc to other compartments or even inside the truck is necessary.
View attachment 672800
2. New 480AH batteries - about 380AH usable
View attachment 672801
Old New 450AH battery setup, about 220AH max usable and 160kg heavier.
View attachment 672802
3. New BMW seats - covered in alcantara
View attachment 672805
Old Range Rover leather seats which look nicer, but are nowhere near as comfortable in hot weather.
View attachment 672806
Old awning system - just shade cloth or a tarp attached to the roof bars.
View attachment 672807
New complete room
View attachment 672816
View attachment 672817