Panamericruiser - An Overland Journey through the Americas


Expedition Leader

Looks like the San Blas were a little lacking in sunshine while you were there. Rainy season and all I guess....

The drive I hear from Panama City to the San Blas (not the actual islands of course) is a good 4wd trip! ;)

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
This must be what they meant by "low season"

After Dominical and Manual Antonio, we are now in Montezuma/Cabuya/

We are the only ones at the hotel, and were the only ones at dinner last night in the local restaurant...kind of strange, but also very nice.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
All right, a few pictures finally..

We drove along the coast from Panama. I must admit that I am falling in love with Costa Rica again.

This is my 5th visit and I like it more and more every time.

This creepy manwoman made us feel very welcome.


It's the "green" season here, so lots and lots of rain...but no tourist, which I really like.


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Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Land Cruiser are everywhere in Costa Rica. The FJ40s are especially common, even to these days, and most still see regular usage.




And once in a while you come across a Serie I.

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Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Someone managed to bring a plane in the middle of nowhere...currently being washed, should be ready for grand opening soon.


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Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
A bit of driving around took us to a great park!



You can't really come to Costa Rica without coming across a few of these...


and these...

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Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
We finally managed to use our winch...

The storm was pretty bad and some people were trying to get this boat off the water.
Unfortunately we did not manage to get good pictures, but you get the idea...

I have no clue what's the rating of this winch, or the weight of this boat, but let's say the winch was working pretty hard!




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Expedition Leader
I bet you got at least one round of beers for helping with the boat! Always good to do things like this when you are traveling and have the means....and not just for free beers!

Funny thing....I have fixed many flat tires of travelers on the road but never my own! The ARB kit has been used well just not in my tires while down south.

Nice to be in Costa Rica in the off season!


Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Well, the "vacation" is over. I have to head back to Paris asap for work.

It was nice indeed to be here during the low season, although we got beaten pretty hard with rain for the last week. There is hurricane near the coast of Central America who is bringing even more rain than usual...

That being said, we both fell in love with Costa Rica and we are sad to go. This is my 5th or 6th visit and I must say I like it more and more every time.
I think a big part of it are the Costa Ricans themselves - extremely friendly!


I keep seeing the vehicle title popping up. What happens if you don't have access to it (AKA you haven't paid the vehicle off yet)?

I have crossed into Mexico many times in vehicles I did not own. You need a copy of the title from the loan company or bank and a letter on letterhead of the loan company stating you have permission to take the vehicle into mexico. The letter needs to specifically have your name as it appears on your passport or DL, the vehicle vin number and needs to be as official looking as possible.
I have done it many times but not in a few years.

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