Ironman Vs. OME


I actually spoke to ARB yesterday and the rep told me there is no reason to get the new torsions unless you've got a bullbar. I don't have any short term plans on getting one so that saves me a few hundred dollars. That thread was nice for comparing the shocks though. However, the ARB rep also told me they have the Nitrocharger Sports available front and rear for the Monteros and I don't know how they compare to Ironman's offerings. It looks like Ironman makes two different types of shock for the Montero: the Nitro Gas and the Foam Cell. Ironman's website says the Foam Cell shocks are their better offering so maybe the Foam Cell is a better comparison to OME's Sport?


Renaissance Redneck
I have OME on my 80 series, and they are awesome. I have heard IMs shocks are made in China/Malaysia or similar, while OME are made in Oz. As far as your 3/4 to 1 bang for buck math, it seems like equal bang for buck, except you WILL spend more bucks sooner when you replace the IM stuff sooner. That is assuming you "wear out" either brand.
BTW, I have a tendency to steer away from mainstream and help support the smaller guys, especially if BTW, I have a tendency to steer away from mainstream and help support the smaller guys, especially if the price is right. (I did buy a Monty afterall).


New member
From within the industry, everyone knows that Ironman is a cheap knock-off that attempts to visually replicate other well-known brands without any engineering or unique products.


From within the industry, everyone knows that Ironman is a cheap knock-off that attempts to visually replicate other well-known brands without any engineering or unique products.

Can you back that up? Not trolling, just an honest question.

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