Help out Ara and Spirit


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
logo_3.jpg <---There is a paypal link. If you've met them or read theirb log you know that they deserve any help we can give. :victory:

Or you can give directly on his site. Check out the blog anyway if you never have:

From their blog:

"A difficult entry, thoughts traversing right and left, the fear of not being able to cover the repairs. As it stands right now, we cannot. It is the big one. We only have a few days ahead while staying at a Friend's house, the heat is intense here in Tucson and no transportation. I swallowed my pride in this new entry and in the Journal asking for help comparing these 658 chapters written these past almost 5 years, thousands of photos, maps, a few recipes, as the physical entity of a few Coffee Table Books, a subscription for a magazine? We are cornered. A couple days ago, only 50 miles into our ride the rear wheel locked, foreign loud noises of metal coming to pieces, I knew it was going to be it for a while. Our Dear Friend &#8220;Dean&#8221; drove 780 miles these past two days to get us to Tucson at the &#8220;Iron Horse&#8221; BMW Motorcycle Dealer. Amazing how Life has it's valleys and peaks... It was not long ago awaiting for biopsy results on myself, today it is awaiting for a different kind of mechanical illness to be taken care off. I am hoping to have this ability to appeal to our readers, I know at this point the future path depends on you, it truly does. It was an interesting concept how &#8220;Old Faithful&#8221; was put on the trailer and taken off. Many have already been involved through this process of getting her here hoping for many more to get her out of here and get us going again.

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit"

I wanted to help spread the word. I'm going to donate a little something now. Even though I get laid off next week a couple bucks will go a long way for them.
Tim :)
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Tim and Kelsey get lost..
I do have a Spirit Animal and believe very strongly that everything has a soul. I only recently discovered my Spirit Animal to be a wolf named Ah'Ara. I have been looking for a long while for someone I can talk to via phone or internet about Her "Ah'Ara" and my Spiritual journey.
I wish to know more about what I can do with her. How to contact her more often/easily.
What other things are available to me now that I am a believer.

Hmmm, not sure, but this thread is regarding one real dirt bike riding, awesome food cooking, cool person and his dog and their need for some help to get rolling again. :elkgrin:


Expedition Leader
I do have a Spirit Animal and believe very strongly that everything has a soul. I only recently discovered my Spirit Animal to be a wolf named Ah'Ara. I have been looking for a long while for someone I can talk to via phone or internet about Her "Ah'Ara" and my Spiritual journey.
I wish to know more about what I can do with her. How to contact her more often/easily.
What other things are available to me now that I am a believer.



I have to ask, ******? I see NO explanation about who this guy is or what he is up to. Why should I donate?


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
Sounds like he might have to make a sacrifice in his lifestyle and secure some steady employment.

He'll get by with a little help from his friends... ;)

ExpeditionUtah is ready to send over a donation next time your in need Ara, just say the word.

I have to ask, ******? I see NO explanation about who this guy is or what he is up to. Why should I donate?

This tells it best :cool:


This is a tough one for me. I often see requests for help like this and my first reaction is almost always "does begging really work" and followed by "why is this persons need to explore on someone elses dime any different than my need to support my family". Then I pull my head out and realize this is what makes a "community". No one is forced to help. He made a choice to live the way he does, we make a choice to help or not. We all judge, the question is how we deal with our own judgements.

If it was in my ability to donate, I would (but can't give away what I don't have).

I don't question for a second that Ara is appreciative and will repay his "friends" for their generosity, be it with greats pics, or thoughtful blog entries, or whatever. However I cannot imagine any of them expect it.

So why help if you can? One word Karma, next time it may be you who needs help. Just like you don't drive by a stranded "expeditoneer" without offering to help, at least I don't.


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
I have to ask, ******? I see NO explanation about who this guy is or what he is up to. Why should I donate?

Others said it best.
I'll just add, if you don't have anything nice to say you can go into another thread. :ylsmoke:

I get laid off in 4 days and I chose to give something small because their adventures have always given me something to read and learn plus I met him at the Overland Expo in 2010 and he was a good guy. Additionally they have been on the road a LONG time and have never asked for help. Occasionally, we all need a hand. Good Luck Ara!!

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