Thanks for the input on the tailgate question, here's my current thinking about it:
- Perhaps the least expensive entry-level kit wouldn't come with any tailgate, to keep the initial cost down so as many people as possible can afford the kit. My thought is "buy what you can afford, and as budget and time permits, enhance the trailer to your ultimate needs". So if you can't afford a tailgate at first, that's fine, at least you can get started on your trailer.
- If people want a Jeep logo metal tailgate, there are aftermarket sources for new ones (usually $250 or less), and they're often available on the used parts market for a reasonable price (typically $40-$50 in my area), so they could buy the kit without a tailgate and pick up one of these.
- If people want a metal CJ-7 style tailgate and they don't care about the logo, they are available on the market from Omix and often can be found at discounters for less than $200. Perhaps whoever markets the trailer tub kit could arrange with Omix to resell the Omix metal tailgate along with the trailer tub kit.
- Unless the fiberglass CJ-7 style tailgate can be manufactured for significantly less than the Omix metal tailgate, or Omix won't let the metal one be sold with this kit, I don't see a reason to offer a fiberglass one - just go with the metal one. Does anyone prefer a fiberglass tailgate to a a metal one?
If all of that makes sense to people, then the only open question is whether or not to offer a "budget" tailgate, in either metal or fiberglass, depending on which one could be made at least cost. But with used OEM tailgates going for less than $100 and new OMIX metal ones for less than $200, I'm not sure it makes sense do a budget tailgate.
Also, personally I don't care if a SAFARI tailgate is offered to the market, I'm mostly just doing that for the proof-of-concept trailer because I thought it would be fun to do.
Your thoughts on all of the above?
BTW, I'm in the process of molding the SAFARI tailgate; here are a few photos I took while I was buffing the mold to prep it for molding:
And here are the both the inner and outer tailgate skin molds, ready for gelcoat: