Picked up another 1st gen Cummins


There was a debate over 5th wheel vs gooseneck. My understanding was a 5th wheel is mounted to a couple of frames with a couple grade 8 bolts. More than one had broken at those spots.


It depends on what your doing. you can get balls rated up to 30,000+. If your pulling heavy with a lot of weight up high a 5th wheel will be more stable.

Yep all i gotta do is unscrew the ball out of there and It will be a flat floor. I still ned to get a better ball and weld a piece of steel to it so you can just whack it with a hammer to loosen it up.

Rot Box

Looking forward to a trip report. Should give the ol' girl a nice workout :bike_rider:

Hitches like that are very uncommon up here. Most people go with 5th wheel style.

Thats funny its just the opposite here around Utah. Not sure why--never thought about it till now.


If my math is right I'll be right at my tagged weight maybe a little over, which is 24,000 lbs.

Same way around here, you could'nt throw a dead cat and not hit a truck with a gooseneck hitch.


Diesel Head
I have hauled many many miles with both types of hitches. One is not more stable than the other, and if the GN is set-up correctly, it is actually stronger than a factory 5th wheel hitch. Most 5vers only go to 23k punds max while a GN can go up to 36k. Ask me how I know. I have hauled more loaded horse trailers with cattle and Cutting horses than I care to remember. Personally, I'd take a GN over a 5ver just for that reason alone. And yes, they leave your bed open for more use.


Welp finished up the install today with a proper 30,000 lb ball and a set of lift eyes. Ended up being a pretty clean install. I then proceded to hook it to my buddys trailer for our little trip this week. Nothing better than a 1500ish mile trip to break in the new hitch. only thing I'm kinda worried about is the getrag.

As of now our trip will take us to, Calhan, CO springs, Woodland park and then up to Greely, which is actually where my truck was located when it was new.




1400 miles and only a few issues later were back home. Truck did great, got decent mileage, but did have a small issue with the getrag, the headgasket developed a very slight leak in the usual location under the t stat housing.

I'll throw some pics up of the trip and attempt a trip report tomorow.


Renaissance Redneck
Good info on the geese. I wonder why most RV makers go with 5ers. Must be the adjustability factor in the hitches.

I guess the NV4500 swapperoo will be happening in the 350 too? You must have a couple of those in the back room...


Well, my trip started at midnight friday morning. We left home and set out for Calhan Colorado. We were doing good til our 1st fuel stop in North platte NE when we had a little wiring fiasco we had to figure out. it ended up being a marker light on the trailer was grounding out. After that our next stop was Sedgewick CO to piss and grab a bite for breakfast. We then Proceded to push on to Calhan where We discovered the truck didn't want to take fuel, it ended up taking about 30 minutes to put 15 gallons in. While I was waiting for my buddy to pay for the fuel a clean 2nd gen 24v was trying to squeeze between the back of the trailer and a parked car, he ended up crunching the rear center cap of his wheel on the trailer then he just drove off so we didn't worry about it. Then we were off to go get our 1sttruck and to drop one of the 4bt motors we hauled out. We met up with the guy with the truck did the paper work and then left to unload the 4b with a skid loader load the truck on the trailer and reposition the other 4b. After we were all strapped down we were off to Ellicott for a piece of gas station pizza and a couple of AMPS for lunch. We then headed to Woodland park Through Colorado Springs to pick up the other truck. This turned into a huge mess trying to get everything on the trailer. After a playing musical trucks a few times, little bit of scratching our heads and some cussing we decided to whack the back half the frame off as the truck we were picking up was just a parts truck. After we had everything aranged on the trailer we unhooked to load the 4b in the back of the truck so we could deliver it and aquire a room for the night. We then blasted up to Falcn to deliver the motor then it was back to Colorado Springs for the night.

The next morning we woke up and headed back up to Woodland park where we stopped at Walmart t gt some oil for the Getrag and a few extra rachet traps. The previous day I had strted to notie a weird shifting issue with the getrag when Up shifting into 3rd and then again into 4th when we were in the hills. Any who when we got back to were we had dropped the trailer I dumped the oil in the getrag and filled it with 5 fresh qts of 10/40 Mobil1 and checked everything out. After we were hooked back up we headed back down to the Springs after fuel and coffee. We then Proceded to head up 25 up to Denver to Action transmision to swap 2 NV4500 cores for a NV5600, after a little bsing we headed n up to Loveland to meet up with a guy that wanted a NV4500 bell and fork. W then grabbed a bite and headed east for home 2 fuel stops and 8 hours later we were back at home.

BTW, there were no more issue with the Getrag and the trip home was uneventful.






















Rot Box

Awesome :bike_rider: I'll bet the dually enjoyed the workout.

I've gotta ask.... What's a Cummins guy doing with a V10?! :Wow1:


Red, more than likely I will build a 4500 for this one too. still got a couple spares in the shed.

Rot, v10 trucks have the same underpinings as cummins trucks.


well went on another little trip yesterday to retrieve a truck with a buddy, yesterdays adventures took us through 4 different states. I ended up being n NE,IA,MO and KS.






Tonight I leave on a trip that will take me to Ohio via STL, IL, IN then we will go up through Wisconsin and make a stop in Minnesota and come back by way of Sioux Falls.

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