Outdoor Photography Links

Scott Brady

Please, add links for outdoor photography equipment and outdoor photography websites.

Add a reply and I will copy the links to the first post:

L.L. Rue- Great Safari and Outdoor Photo Equipment

Notes From the Road- One of my favorites!
MYCOLORADO.ORG- Darren (forum member) shares beautiful images of CO and surrounding states.
Tom Till (Moad area): Thanks bh4rnnr
John Fielder (Colorado): Thanks bh4rnnr
John Christensen (Arizona): Thanks mcvickoffroad
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Brian McVickers

Staff member
Outdoor to Outerspace!


This link is for the website of Jon Christensen -- If you ever visit her I hope you don't mind the exposure Jon!

I know Jon from trial riding. Jon is in Phoenix AZ and one of the cool things he does with his rig is load it up with a telescope and drive out into the middle of the desert to stargaze. He has set up a camera to his telescope and the pictures you will see on his website are absolutely incredible. I had no idea you could get outerspace pictures like this with equipment that can fit in the back of your car! :Wow1:


Thanks for kind words, Scott and Perry!

I'll just add one link for now, which is, in my opinion, the best Colorado site around, by far. AroundColorado.com was built by my good friend, Jesse Speer (his personal site is linked within). Plenty of high quality Colorado adventure reports have been submitted by its users, which range from hiking, camping and driving.


Scott, this site isn't entirely outdoor photography, but they do have forum sections on outdoor photography. There is lots of good info and discussion here with a forum, articles, and reviews. Anyway, I think it's a great site that you may want to add to the list.



TheRAMadaINN on Instagram
BajaTaco said:
Scott, this site isn't entirely outdoor photography, but they do have forum sections on outdoor photography. There is lots of good info and discussion here with a forum, articles, and reviews. Anyway, I think it's a great site that you may want to add to the list.


I second this site, I've been searching this one for a few months and love it.


mods feel free to take this down if it's not kosh to post my own site. i have a number of pages with colorado information, and three with general camping and photography hints and tips.

five steps to better photography: http://www.aspen-graphics.com/fivesteps.htm

everyone has a camping list. here's mine: http://www.aspen-graphics.com/camping-list.htm

some lessons-learned: http://www.aspen-graphics.com/fall-camping.htm

gear guide: http://www.aspen-graphics.com/gear.htm

also, someone i knew a bit growing up is michael forsberg. he's now a known wildlife photographer based in nebraska and has a fun section on his site about "life on the road" with hints and tips, lessons learned, and quite a bit of humor. i just checked and that page isn't happy today, but here is the link.


you can see the content by using archive.org. here's that link: http://web.archive.org/web/20041022234122/http://www.michaelforsberg.com/lifeontheroad.html


Expedition Leader
Associations, shows, conferences, etc.:
North American Nature Photography Association - good resource, conferences are worth attending
Photo Marketing Association - huge conference, usually the site of US product launches, shotgun market, i.e. processing labs to wedding albums to laser engravers, like all shows lots of interesting things in the small booths around the perimeter
Photokina -top show in the world, bi-annual, site of most major product intros, huge show

Gear that works (road tested):
Full list of photo gear we carry on expeditions
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