My Journey


Jerry, just find what works for you. I deal with a 20 ft motorhome. I have lived in it for months at a tine. I've dealt with trailers, campers and motorhomes for over 50 years. Then again I can throw all of my stuff in my 3B for many nights of camping.
I miss the pictures of your dogs.
I hear you guys.....


I drove to the Yuma suburbs on Friday and dropped the Jeep off to get the Jeep repairs done. The mechanic (Mr. Sanchez) said maybe one day, maybe two, maybe even three.....he wasn’t sure exactly what he’d find. From there I decided it would be best to hang out at the local Walmart and wait for his call. And once again our days were filled with long dog walks and a good book. It’s giving me time to think about moving forward.....and time to think about the recent past. Finally last night the mechanic dropped off my Jeep with the repairs completed, but not without more bad news. The drive shaft is shot and he stressed that I shouldn’t drive it without repair. I’ve thought about it overnight and plan to have it back at his shop on Wednesday (his earliest opening). Now I’ve got a few more days to kill before we move on once again.....

Yukon loves the down time and loves catching up on her sleep.....


Tanner on the other hand.....up before the sun and still roaming after it sets.....




You know me Chet.....I post up all kinds of nonsense but I will say that my best buddy was just saying how boring my blog had gotten so.....

And I think it will continue to be rather boring as it’s gonna take time to work my way out of this mess I’ve created. Me and Mr. Sanchez are becoming the best of friends it seems. I have no idea what’s going on with the Jeep but it seems as though he will never get it finished. He was here last night until 10:00 p.m. trying to complete it when the clutch master cylinder ( ? ) went out. He works a full time job and has a family so I’m being patient. He’s coming tonight but more issues have popped up. Some he’s created, and some not. Poor guy.....


So I live in a really nice motor home in a Walmart parking lot. Hopefully I have a deal worked out to put it on consignment in a few weeks therefore I want to keep the miles low and the wear minimal....

The dogs are happy at the canal.....



A friend in Montana sent me this picture. Thankful to be living my dream in the good weather.....



Hi Jerry, I just completed reading all 123 pages of your Journey and I'm not happy, <J/K>&#55357;&#56876; what ever will I read before I turn in each night? I really enjoyed following along with you and seeing the pictures, your story makes me feel like I was right there with you in sickness and health and through the good times and the bad. I wished I jotted some comments down for you as I suffer from CRS lol. At one point in 2013 we just almost crossed paths or with in a couple hundred miles from each other. I don't travel like you but vacation about once a hear and have also spent time south of the border. Keep up the great writing.
Mccaf.....thanks for the nice comments. From time to time members will message me after reading my entire thread. It always amazes me when I hear it. But I am happy that people enjoy it. I know that I enjoy reading about other people's travels as well.....


And yet one more beautiful sunrise from my little spot at Walmart. I could hardly believe it this morning when I realized that I've stayed here for 12 nights this month. That's a first for me.....


Saturday was spent in the historic section of Yuma (which I'd just recently heard about). Nice little renovated area that's so common in America these days.....



This area is located right on the Colorado River (as you might expect). Built in 1915 (googled this) is the first highway crossing of the lower Colorado River. The bridge is known as the &#8220;Ocean to Ocean Highway&#8221; (as you can see in my pictures).....



Of course we headed down to the river so the dogs could swim a bit.....


On Sunday I got a lead on a possible buyer for my Renegade as well as a nice truck for a replacement. The truck is a 2016 and it's low miles, equipped with air bags and an auxiliary 61 gallon fuel tank. Tomorrow I will know more.....

Things are beginning to fall into place as I attempt to work myself out of my current situation. The buyer for the Renegade fell through but I've found a dealer that I'm comfortable with and he's willing to take it on consignment at a fair price. It's a scary situation to be in, but I'm sure it'll sell at some point. I'm still working on a new truck.....I'm close on the truck in the last picture I posted. And probably the biggest news is that I put a deposit on a 2018 Northern Lite 10-2 truck camper. If you're not familiar with the manufacturer, they're basically a Bigfoot with a different name....Canadian made with a great reputation.....



The Jeep is back in the shop as the previous issues have yet to be resolved.....

I've come to like Yuma quite a bit, and it's been a good thing hanging out here. But things are going to be changing fast and we should be back on the road by the weekend trying to put all the pieces of my life puzzle back together once again....

The Colorado River is an amazing playground for the pups and it's our new hideout for the afternoons.....


And after two weeks of Walmart living, we've found ourselves a new spot.....
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Ovrlnd Rd

Jerry, Thanks for the updates! I like that little step/deck on the back of the new camper. Looks like a good spot to sit and contemplate things.


Excellent choice in a camper, Jerry. I hope everything falls into place and you can continue with your travels. Once again..the very best to you and your companions.


Nice camper! The pups look like they are having a great time. I love having dogs, no matter what life throws your way they are always quick to bounce back and put a smile on your face.


The following morning the dogs and I were so ready for a long hike into some wild open places. After a few cups of hot coffee, we hit the national forest road and hiked into the canyon. It felt so good to let the dogs run free and to enjoy the crisp morning air in the Utah mountains. We got in a 6 mile hike that morning and I hit my 4,000 miles walked for the year goal (my third straight year).....

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Today is Day 53 on the road. I swear it seems like it’s been either overcast or raining for most of those days. But now things are changing.....yesterday the temperature topped out at 64 degrees and the skies were so clear.....

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Now I’m finally chasing the good weather again as we continue south. Last night was spent in Cedar City, Utah....

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Damn I missed a bunch on here. New camper and you passed through Cedar. Its a great little town. Next time you come through dinner is on me. Sorry I missed you and the pups. Safe Travels

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