Does anyone bother with the R1200GS Adventure here?

Baldy, and others. Not getting into it. Have nothing good to say about ADV so will not say anything. Just don't expect an instant acceptance into my camp if you are sporting an ADV sticker.
I can tell you with honesty that hurricane harry got booted from adv. But i went back, because there are some really good peeps there. There are really good people here too. Don't give up on ADV.



After 16 years riding a 97 Bandit 1200, I got an 05 just like this for 6 months and I hated it. It was a good long distance bike, but sucked as a daily driver in traffic and stop-n-go riding. Bad fuel injection, heavy clutch, clunky trans, too big and heavy, and too tall gearing made for an unfun ride for me. After totaling it, I am now an ecstatic Triumph XC-800 owner. Motor, trans, and gearing scream Bandit 800!

The Raven

I can tell you with honesty that hurricane harry got booted from adv. But i went back, because there are some really good peeps there. There are really good people here too. Don't give up on ADV.

With 100k members (including under 10 posters, banned members, and fake noobs) there has to be some good eggs. I do have friends there and have met some good folks. I just don't like Baldy, and his hoard of god complex super mods. I was an idiot 8 years ago when I was younger and stupid got permabanned and still cannot post there. I would if I could. In any case there is a seperate website called farmrulz that is made up of a lot of former Mods, and banned members....amazing the politics behind ADV

On the other hand I do support Horizon's Unlimited because Grant and Susan do a heck of a job and don't make much of a return for the service they provide to the dedicated riding community. Also never met a bad HUBB member or dealt with any ********************. A square deal site that is more openly supportive of adventure riding than ADV ever was. Oh, and quite polite.

Once you compare both sites and do the research you realize that the ADV sticker comes with a negative stigma, hence my previous statement.


Does anyone bother with R1200GS Adventure here?

To answer your original question-Yes. There are R1200GS riders here. Yes, some of us read and write on ADV forum as well as EXPEDITION PORTAL. Most of us have chosen to ride and read then rant and riot. Only a few have chosen to step across what should have been self-imposed lines of propriety (being kind and courtious as we learned as a boy-scout).

Personally, I can't find enough time to ride as much as I would like. There seems to always be another road I'd like to traverse or place I'd enjoy seeing. I suspect I am like most when I say that. Adventuring in my Jeep or on my BMW is just what I do. It's how I'm wired. I am blessed to have both to seek out new places with. My montra now is to investigate sites on my bike then bring my Jeep and Offroad-trailer to camp, hike, fish and otherwise enjoy.

Thanks for sharing the pictures and comments. They keep me riding and reading. On occasion I glean some useful insights as well!
I takes a man to take a beast like this up Engineers Pass... I have done it on my 800 it ain't easy!

Hi Scott,

That blue Adventure is my old bike, you must've bought it from Mike in Durango....the black powdercoated engine guards and custom Pacific Blue paint are a dead giveaway!!! And that looks like Mikes new 800GS I sold him!!

I owned a GS or GS/PD since 1995 and loved everyone of them!!




GSA owner here.

Yes it is big and heavy but I love it. Mine is a little over a year old and I have logged over 26k miles on it already!

2013 JKUR Commando Green 6 Spd
2012 R1200 GSA

Yuman Desert Rat

Expedition Leader
I recently made the leap to a 2010 GSA. I've been lusting over one for quite a few years now and my ideal bike found me and now has a new home. The previous owner rode it like it should be and at the same time meticulously cared for and smartly modified it. I almost feel like a poser with all of the stickers on it telling tales of desired far off destinations. It rides like a dream (compared to my Chopper and Busa) and allows me to ride any and everywhere. I can't wait to do my first Bike camping trip! My Jeep shouldn't be jealous, but time will tell. At over 3 times the gas mileage it's my new daily driver/rider. Now The other teo bikes are looking for a new home, but thats okay. Still trying to sign up on ADV rider but their silly MOTO-GEEK questions remind me of trying to cross the bridge in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


👏👏 Congrats on the GSA. I'm sure you will enjoy it to the max.

2013 JKUR Commando Green 6 Spd
2012 R1200 GSA


After 60,000 miles, trips across the US and Canada, as far north as the Circle, and as far south as Honduras, I am selling my beast ('07 GSA) tomorrow. Not once did she ever let me down. Sad day to separate from the trusty steed. The good news is that it gets replaced with a KTM 690 Enduro.



Bummer for Raven, but like any forum, you have to know when to shut up, and what discussions to avoid. I've been on there since '06 and personally know and have ridden with a good number of the "mods" and think nothing ill. In addition, I have friends that have been permabanned as well and I guess they didn't know when to let things go. I post only in non-inflamatory threads and ask pointed questions on specific topics and stay WAY out of the basement.

Staying on topic, my GSA continues to be amazing as it approaches 50k. Had a great trip down into Baja a few weeks ago and aside from a crash that shattered the windshield, and a bent front wheel from a rock at 70 mph, the pig proved to be an incredible machine.



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