Both Earthroamers & Unicat at Pomona RV Show


Expedition Leader

expeditionswest wrote
"Babyboomers don't want the 40' diesel pusher..."

I think the XV-JP will appeal to a lot of people who drive the big Class-A and bus conversion RVs. The XV-JP would make a great towed vehicle. You could use it for quick runs away from the campground to resupply the big RV. When the opportunity arises, take the XV-JP into the boondocks for an overnight trip.

For example, park the RV in Durango or Ridgway, and use the XV-JP to explore the San Juans for a couple of days. Park in a Moab campground and explore the backroads in Canyonlands. Park in Torrey, UT and explore Capitol Reef. And so on.

An XV-JP would add less than 10% to the price of a new Marathon coach.

Chip Haven


peekay said:
where was the Unicat? I saw the Earthroamer and Sportsmobile but didn't see a Unicat. Going back this Saturday.

The Unicat is next to the big merchandise tent in the middle of the showgrounds...on the northerly side...just walk around that entire big tent, and you can't miss it. It doesn't exactly have a "space" like the other RV''s just sitting out there.


Joaquin Suave said:
VikingV wrote:

I'm sure it will be a HUGE surprise to you that in the local "hood"...I'm considered the expedition vehicle "kook" (ie: not peak bagging, or latin american country bagging, but rather...potental "expedition vehicle" bagging KOOK.

So it only makes sense that anyone that knows me that has some derilect potental "expedition-esque" ANYTHING, is going to come by and,......Want to donate (as in cleaning out the back yard) some HAGGARD "somenen somenen" for my "collection" (not that I really want a collection)!

That being said...I got a donated Alaskan camper. It has a rotted floor and is missing the windows on the drivers side. but the up side is that the lifting mechinism is completely intact! This is a DIY lovers dream.

Here is my deal for you Vince...
Come up to surf n' turf weekend (with a trailer), set up camp in my yard (or stay in the guest room or Casa) and we commute down to S&T, return to my compound and sleep a restful sleep (near ************** Impossible on the sand) and...

you drive home with your new (as in new to you!) gratis Alaskan Camper!!!

PM me for details.

PS: Sorry for the late reply, I've spent the last week in my big areospace clients "black box". GOD! ITS GREAT TO BE HOME!!!!!

gosh...not to look a gift horse in the mouth (as the old saying goes), but I think the Alaskan has its home in your yard...not to mention I don't have a yard to put it in!

I'll think about SnT...and PM you....thanks,'re a gentleman and an "expedition-esque" philanthropist.:) :Mechanic:


VikingVince said:
The Unicat is next to the big merchandise tent in the middle of the showgrounds...on the northerly side...just walk around that entire big tent, and you can't miss it. It doesn't exactly have a "space" like the other RV''s just sitting out there.

will do. I realized I missed a bunch of stuff on my first visit. Did you get a chance to see the American Sport Trailer called the Genesis? It's a 12 foot molded fiberglass trailer. The owner is very willing to work with me to make it exactly the way I want it, including lifting it and adding larger knobbies. Obviously, it won't be able to go on hard trails, but fire roads should be no problem.

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