Both Earthroamers & Unicat at Pomona RV Show


The Earthroamer XV-LT(motorhome) and the XV-JP (Jeep) are both at the annual Pomona RV show as is the Unicat Amerigo 205 Expedition Vehicle. It was a treat to finally see these 3 vehicles up close.

I drooled over the beauty, design, and construction of the Earthroamer XV-LT and would be my personal choice between the 3 vehicles. I could live a long time in this rig. It was priced at $245K...they have a video running of Scott Brady testifying to the capabilities, and comforts of the vehicle!

The XV-JP, priced at $114K...again, amazing design and was smaller inside than I expected and the "living space" for two would be a little cramped. IMO, not a vehicle of choice for two people on an extended expedition but great for short trips. This vehicle is a fantastic addition to the American market b/c there's nothing like it available and I hope they do well with it. However, I'm still of the opinion that you could have all the capabilities and amenities of this vehicle in a Tacoma with a Flippac and you build in all the other you'd have a little more "living space" and more storage space...for significantly less money.

The Unicat Expedition Vehicle is just a mammoth machine and the cabin is nicely designed and very livable. $600,000.!!!!! Yeah, $600K...if money is no consideration, why not?...but I found myself thinking that you're paying so much for the terrain capability of this vehicle, I think I'd be satisfied with the Earthroamer and where it can go and saving $350K...I could travel a long time on $350K!!!!

The Pomona RV show runs Oct 12-21 from 10am-6pm at the Pomona Fairplex in Pomona CA. This is the big annual show and if you're at all interested in RV's, every brand and style is there...just seeing these three vehicles was worth it for me.
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Hey Joaquin!

The only other "expedition-esque" vehicle there was Sportsmobile...and they had 4 of their models there...or maybe it was 5...including their conversion on the 4x4 Sprinter chassis, which didn't really appeal to me...too high a COG and not all that offroad capable, IMO...but certainly a nice small 4x4 motorhome. I'm going back this week...I missed seeing (along with some other stuff) the new hard sided popup truck camper by Chalet RV...the Oregon Camper...the only other hard sided popup on the market that I know of is Alaskan.

You's a thought...because of all the truck campers and trailers/toyhaulers there which all use trucks, I bet you could sell a bunch of your cool, new hasps/locks if you had a booth in the merchandise/suppliers tent. (they probably charge a mint for a space...don't know)

Surf n Turf...hmmmm...undecided...probably was fun once but 18 hours a day of loud, obnoxious quads is almost more than I can put up with:(

What was your overall experience with the Alaskan? and what did you put it on?

Take it easy...


I might have to go out there this weekend just to check out these rigs!!!!!!!

Well, if you're like me, and have never seen the two Earthroamers and the Unicat Expedition Vehicle, I'd say it's worth it just to drool over those rigs!!! Plus there are 4 or 5 Sportsmobile models there...of course one is the fully optioned offroad model which is a nice piece of eye candy. And if you have any interest in motorhomes, trailers,toyhaulers, truck campers...lotta models to look at.


Expedition Leader
xv-jp at 114k?

are they trying to wright down the development costs on three rigs? ******.

Scott Brady

zimm said:
xv-jp at 114k?


Have you ever built a fully custom expedition vehicle, including insurance, employees, testing, design, molds, etc.?

My truck/trailer would take nearly 80k to replicate, and it lacks a fully molded camper and interior wet-head, etc.

What about a $100,000 BMW or Mercedes? No one questions their price, and they have a fraction of the complexity of an expedition camper conversion... and a fraction of the utility.


i agree with scott, its takes alot of work to do personal R&D not to mention testing in harsh enviroments. its rediculus to think that a turnkey expedition truck will be under 100k. however. doing things yourself has its advantages. custom setup, personal preferance, and even base vehicle choice. but thats where the trailer market comes in. hook it up and go. lack of modification on the truck can be slightly compensated in a trailer.


Expedition Leader
toyrunner95 said:
however. doing things yourself has its advantages....

I haven't built mine yet, but I think the biggest advantage to a DIY approach is that you intimately understand all the systems.

And, of course, know who to blame when things go wrong ;)


Expedition Leader
expeditionswest said:

Have you ever built a fully custom expedition vehicle, including insurance, employees, testing, design, molds, etc.?

My truck/trailer would take nearly 80k to replicate, and it lacks a fully molded camper and interior wet-head, etc.

What about a $100,000 BMW or Mercedes? No one questions their price, and they have a fraction of the complexity of an expedition camper conversion... and a fraction of the utility.

oh im aware. i was a manager at a plant that turned out $40000+ fasteners. yea. one friggin bolt.

my point being, the final cost of a product has to be pro rated over the ENTIRE production run.

now at 114k, thats gotta be a mighty short production run they are anticipating. if they build 100, thats 114 million gross. 5% profit would be almost 6 million bucks. minus 30 million for the jeeps (assuming they dont cut a deal on those, which they will, ever see how little the police pay for a crown vic?), thats 78 million left over for production, including R&D. subtract for more profit if you see fit. the biggest custom outsourced part i see is the shell/tent. no other mechanical design at all. just fitment.

now when i compare what youre getting with this, say in comparison to a 114000 dollar sea ray, the price looks steep.

hence... they must not be planning on building many.

i love ya, and i hate to dispute you chief, this is all in good natured conversation, i hope you know, but there are a hell of allot more systems, parts and sourcing involved in 100k merc than that camper body. in fact it aint even in the same ballpark. theres more R&D in the 30k jeep they are putting it on, but the cost is spread over a run of a half a million units.

id hate to take that off road, and get a nick. :)

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