Cell Phones?



What is everyone doing for phones? I'm on Verizon and they charge $1/minute for roaming in Mexico and I'm not sure what they're coverage is like.
I'm pretty sure my phone is unlocked and will run on a mexican sim if I should buy one. I also have an at&t phone that I'm sure is unlocked and have used it on several different carriers in the past.

Any idea which carrier would be the best to get a prepaid sim from?


that coverage map doesn't look bad, about the same as Verizon. Look at they're Alaska coverage.... that's what I'm used to. lol


The Minority Racer
We use unblocked smart phones with a telcel chip, with a VEHO Pebble Charger for emergency source of power :wings:

and always great to also have a CB and one of these, just in case :Wow1:


wow. :drool:

we have...um. an ipad
with no service, but it's occasionally been known to connect to wifi at the bars)
no phone, no gps, no nothin' unless skype counts.

compared to us you guys look like the space shuttle in terms of communication... that's awesome.

but it terms of info...everyone down here recommends picking up a $15phone (or use you iphone from home) and grabbing a telcel sim card for cheap and reloading it with minutes and data (both of which we understand are really cheap here). Telcel doesnt require anything in terms of advance payments or annual fees and you can refill at any super or telcel store in any town. None of the hassles of back home, just easy connection.

Dialing anyone on your phone however requires a handbook of extensions and codes that we have yet to figure out which is part of why we still have no phone. ;)


From Travelers...

To place a call outside of Mexico you must dial „00“ followed by the country code.

The format is: 00 + COUNTRY CODE + AREA CODE + NUMBER

For example, to dial someone in San Francisco, you would enter 001 (415) 555-1212

I think it gets more complicated calling long distance in-country


The Minority Racer
Mexican Telcel Cell Phone Savings

Dont forget to call *264 and press 2 for english, then 2 again, enter your cel number and add 3 numbers of 3 teams that also have TELCEL and you can call each other for free, so long as the call is under 5 mins. Its takes 24 hrs for the 3 numbers to register and it only works with TELCEL sims. The sims you can buy at any OXXO store for $110 pesos with 50 pesos of free credit. I recommend you add at least $500 pesos that will give you extra minutes I think 750 min in total, just in case you need to reach out.

Enrique Vega

New member
Dont forget to call *264 and press 2 for english, then 2 again, enter your cel number and add 3 numbers of 3 teams that also have TELCEL and you can call each other for free, so long as the call is under 5 mins.

Do you know which is the best cell phone that will work inside AND outside the US? I'm hoping to find the right one to use internationally and also be able to tap my MacBook laptop into the phone data plan network. In other words, use the phone as a network wifi?

I'm also looking into using Google Voice when in wifi hotspots. I have been reading about a way to trick Google Voice into thinking that the phone is still in the US even though you are in another country. That way, all calls to the US will be free. Anyone using this concept?
Hi guys:

I live in San Miguel de Allende, took my unlocked old I-Phone into a Iusacel store, and have a chip that's worked with pretty good coverage all over Mexico. Like Telcel you can purchase minutes just about anywhere. I picked Iusacel because a lot of people I know here recommended it, and the store is right next door to the pub where I go to watch the hockey games here in Mexico!


Resident **************
I use an ATT Go-Phone for Baja, excellent coverage, low rates. I load the phone with $50/yr, rarely use up the minutes. I don't use my phone much when in Baja, but I have been impressed with the coverage when I do need to use it.

Verizon coverage in Baja is almost non-existant.

Pre paid means no surprise phone bills when I get home, and if I lose the phone or it gets stolen it's not the end of the world.

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