A new Blog format... Georgia's 50cc run.


I know that this is not too much an expedition... far from the Desert sands... but it is an entertaining weekend...

I first need to say that I am trying a new Blog format... We all love pictures... I know it is “cliche”, but I will say it... “A picture is worth a 1000 words”! Rest assured that the words will also be there, but I wanted more pictures. Bandwidth volume will not allow it... My own website, of same name, (which I also own and is in the midst of storing my previous weblogs) would have its own difficulties with an enormous amount of pictures... Here comes SmugMug, the best picture Gallery I have ever used for years now, right under my nose, with its “Journal” format allowing an unlimited amount of bandwidth and... yes... text!
I need your feedback please... much of it ... there will be more pictures... more text... in turn you will have to click on a link and turn the page! Easy enough? I like it... I would like to know if you also do? Today I am trying this out with a past 50cc run that is always quite a weekend...
It is its report... with more pictures than text... as I said... I am trying this out.
For every Weblog date there will be a Journal page in SmugMug linked with the same date!
Simple... I hope.

I have pulled memories and pictures from the Annual 50cc Charity run that takes place in Suches, Georgia, on Halloween weekend... It is a blast if you never attended... here is the story... and the pictures!


I think it is going to work better, everyone likes pictures... a lot of them...
Typepads, or any Blog does not allow much bandwidth... I was already at 250% in 17 days!...
The winch sure pulled me out last saturday... with a separate 600 Xantrex power pack it usre did the trick.
Be well... Spirit and Ara



Congrats, you get my vote for the coolest motorcycle setup (not that my vote counts for much lol) That is by far the most innovative and nicely setup sidecar bike ive seen. how did you accomplish it all? do you have a writeup somewhere on the web?

Bon Voyage!

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