AeroPress size for travel



Just after some dimensions from those who travel with their AeroPress. Im travelling with a friend into the Simpson Desert soon and flying back to Melbourne so I cannot take my usual methods of the moka pot and Zassenhaus :coffeedrink: with me.

Looking at the Aeropress to pack light and still get a decent brew. Just after some packed dimensions. I would leave all the other guff at home and just take the basics, so what is the smallest I could go?




New member
The AeroPress is great for travel! I just measured mine and it's 5.5" tall when the plunger is pressed all the way down and the filter cap is screwed on, and the widest part of the base is 4.5" across (it's hexagonal, that measurement is corner to corner; it's about 3.75 side to side). It comes with a stir stick, a coffee scoop and a funnel, none of which are really necessary, IMO. The job of the stir stick and scoop can be easily performed by a spoon, and it's not really a small enough opening to necessitate a funnel. You will also need to bring a stack of filters, which are about 2.75" in diameter and very thin. I hope that helps!

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Thanks for your help Avaluna! That is exacly what I was after. Amazon kept saying 12" high but Im guessing that was boxed dimensions. 5.5" is compact enough to take with me so I will be buying on shortly :)

I also need to work out if it will press into my Klean Kanteen 1st to. If the disks are 2.75" then I think it may be a little big. Maybe press into something else and then transfer to the insulated mug.

Thanks for your info.




New member
I also need to work out if it will press into my Klean Kanteen 1st to. If the disks are 2.75" then I think it may be a little big. Maybe press into something else and then transfer to the insulated mug.

Thanks for your info.


That is what the funnel is for. I have a thermal mug with an opening smaller than my Aero-press and the funnel makes it possible to press into the smaller mouth. I use a non thermal mug when on the bike due to space limitations tough.


I use the Aeropress funnel to put the grounds in the cylinder, to me, that is what it is for. It is really hard to get the grounds in without it, For smaller bottles you can take the funnel and use it on the bottom of the cylinder which the base fits into perfectly. The funnel's bottom outside diameter is 1-7/8" so as long as your container is about 2" you should be fine.

The last Aeropress I bought, came with a travel bag which is about 6x12" looks like a small bank bag. If you really want to travel light you can get the stainless filter and leave the paper ones at home. Then you don't have to worry about keeping them dry.
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lost on the mainland
You can get a cap for the plunger and hold the filters in there :)
It's about $10 or so and kinda nice same company that makes the nicer metal disc
I end up keeping my scoop and stirrer and milk frother in the plunger end so don't use the cap I got ? But might and it does work well

Don't use the funnel ?

If you get one look up the inverted method of brewing prefer that and espresso grind and don't put in any more water

I have the metal disc but prefer the paper for camping as uses less water for clean up but prefer the taste of the metal filter :)


Meandering Idaho
I can not speak highly enough about the Areo press.
I used it for several years in the field when I was working for a wilderness therapy program in Utah.
Now I travel extensively all over the united states for my work with NOLS teaching WMI courses. The aero press makes the trip every time.
It makes a damn fine cup of joe. I usually rock the americacno style and add some extra hot water. But I have been know to geat creative with a whisk and some milk as well.
Mine must be close to four years old at this point and has been bounced through countless miles of backpacking and its fair share of rough handling at the airports. Not to mention the back of my truck. Still going strong.


Thanks for the responses guys. I picked one up on Sunday and have used it each morning before work. I am seriously impressed with this.

Funnel doesn't quite go into my Klean Kanteen but as I am taking my SS Pint cup I can press into that and transfer it, happy to work like that for the time being.

Thanks all for your input :)



lost on the mainland
here ya go

I do basically this and find it less messy and a bit easier nicer to manage then the other way

I am a coffee OK more espresso nut and have to say kinda laughed at this but oh well :) some ideas here

inverted as comparing to the way they say to use it Instr English Rev.B.pdf

again for me I don't water it down anymore :) prefer it a bit stronger also I do again like the metal a bit better agree with others a bit more oils and flavor come through and still incredible clean cup compared to french press also the fact the grind float etc.. no blow past on the rings and never having to worry about my grind being perfect is nice and being able to grind for different flavors again my Mazzer using the same grind I use for my elektra is the flavor I prefer :)


AeroPress and a Keep Cup are my daily caffeine delivery tools!
Both really bulletproof - which earns very high points.
I use a method very close to the Stumptown vid with great results.
My next need is a decent little travel grinder...

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