Can I remove the m416 wire protection box?


There is a plate box on the the inner side of the tongue frame that appears to protect the umbilical cord wire going to the tow rig. I could take a picture, but any of you with an m416 will likely know what I'm referring to already.

Any reason this box can't be removed? Putting the AT nosebox on my m416 today and I want to remove that box so that the nosebox will sit level on both sides of the tongue. It's not very thick, but it would cause a lean.

I'd think the wire is still going to be protected enough given the nosebox is above it and it's running along the inside of the tongue frame.



Took it off any way. :)

Looks like that's where all of the wires from the umbilical cord to the lights connect. All look to be fairly well protected even without the plate which seemed to trap a bunch of dirt any way.

On with the build!


On two of my 416's I removed the crappy wiring and fully rewired anyway so I ditched the box and had a smaller wire jump box which fit nicer and gave me a way to replace the end that connected to the tow vehicle in case of damage. I'll see if I can find pictures of the box I used. It was from redneck trailer supplies as thats the company my company buys from for our fleet of flatbed trailers. The box was for one of those and it had a jumper or bridge inside. Sealed with a gasket and a couple screws held the faceplate on.. worked well.. but I seam to sell my trailers as soon as I get them 1/2 way done..


Thanks - I'm interested in seeing a photo of what you did if you're able to dig them up.

Another idea could be to run my wiring in and out of the nosebox which would be very protected environment.

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