Gold Boy said:
can you run the fuso fg on veggie diesel?
From all the research I have done so far, and from attending a talk from our local bio diesel company the only problem you have running bio diesel is with natural rubber fuel pipes and seals. In some pre 1996 vehicles the fuel pipes and seals in the pumps have to be changed out for synthetic rubber.
Home brewed bio diesel that has had too much lye added during the manufacturing can cause higher than normal temperatures on compression and damage the injectors, valves, and cylinder heads. That is a QC issue. Making bio diesel involves a chemical reaction between vegetable oil, lye, and methanol or ethanol.
If your thinking of burning straight vegetable oil it gets a little more complicated depending on the type of oil and the source of the oil. You may need to filter it to remove solid particles and pre heat or blend it to reduce viscosity.
Living at 6000ft in the Sierras our local Bio Diesel company sells a 20/80 blend of bio to fossil diesel from mid October to mid April, the rest of the year you can burn 100% bio. The blending lowers the temperature at which the diesel clouds and reaches it's pour point where waxes form and it starts to solidify.