charcoal brick


I just started using those. I received a Cobb grill as a gift and a bag of the Johnson and Lou charcoal came with it. It was recommended by the seller: Garret Wade.

Only used them three times so far. Preliminary results are good: fast lighting; no fuel taste; even burning, nothing but gray dust when they finish burning.

I was a little dissapointed as the 123 miracle blaze product was introduced to me as brand new to the US market. Then I found the Johnson and Lou product already being sold. I was hoping to have stumbled accross a new way to make a living. My job sucks right now, but at least I'm employed. I'm still following up on these to see if I can get some sort or regional distribution rights.

My uncle said they used something similar in Korea 50 years ago in thier cooking stoves. Interesting.


How does the food taste? Do you still get charcoal flavor?

Not as much as with regular charcoal. On the Cobb Grill, fat from the food doesn't drip into the coals so none of that "char-broiled" flavor. That might be different with a different grill. My first attempt was with chicken breasts. They turned out great; might be the best I've ever tasted. I think this was more to do with the grill than the fuel, though.


I get a kick out of their slogan "Just One Brick Does The Trick" and then in their "how to use" section shows you how a typical application uses three bricks under normal circumstances.

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