Creating a Partner Steel Content Site

We are trying to create an informative webpage about Partner Steel Cooking Equipment. There is a lot of info out there but we want to bring it into one easy accessible place This page will have anything from tips and tricks, to pictures, videos and reviews. I know a lot of you guys use Partner Steel Stoves and gear. If you have anything you would like to share with us as we create this info page let me know. A few ideas of what we are looking for

Tips and Tricks
Photos of your gear in action
Video Reviews
Blog Posts
Written Reviews
Design ideas
Creative Ideas



lost on the mainland
Since you will be doing this to sell and make money will you compensate us :)
Otherwise it's all here :)

Not being jerky but saying give something to me for free to help me make money ?

maybe try I will give you $ off for contributing might be better approach :)

Being a photographer I share stuff here but if it's used to make others money I will get compensation/fee it's what I make my living with

Just my thoughts :)
We do sell the gear. Our goal with the content site is to connect people with quality gear as well as creating a central place for Partner Steel information. There is a lot of different places with a little information. We want to have a lot of information in one place that is easily accessible. If people then buy from us, great. If not, they are more educated and have information that can help them enjoy the outdoors.


Will Element Outfitters be mentioned on the site anywhere? Would be more likely to attract people providing free content if Partner Steel owned the site. Otherwise it's just a commercial for you as a dealer, no?

Robert Bills

Don't encourage him. His 6 posts since he joined 14 months ago have all been commercial plugs. He has no real interest in contributing to the knowledge base here - his interest is promoting his business.


One thing people don't realize about Partner steel is that they will custom make any contraption your heart desires, and do it fast, and it will be low priced and on your doorstep ASAP. I requested a custom aluminum box that was open at both ends to build my own combo slide. 45 bucks and it was in my hands three days later.

Thanks for promoting those guys and helping to sell their products.
Yes, Partner Steel does do custom work and a great job at that. We have had several customers have special requests.

As far as the content site goes, yes we will advertise that we sell the stuff. That is what keeps us in business. But we do want to provide great content along with that so people know what they are buying. Most you you guys are very familiar with Partner Steel. But more people have no idea what it is or why it is so great. We are growing the brand for Partner Steel.

If you don't want to contribute that is totally fine. I am just looking for anyone who wants to.


Hi elements,
We didn't know about Partner Steel until now, wow the gear look top notch. It is the type of stove we are looking for.
A question for you do you have a agent in Australia ?


Don't encourage him. His 6 posts since he joined 14 months ago have all been commercial plugs. He has no real interest in contributing to the knowledge base here - his interest is promoting his business.

Waaa.... I'll encourage him. I hadn't even heard of product until now.

Colin Hughes

I'm thinking you might want to spend a bit of money on SEO for your website. It is very comprehensive, once I had the address but when I did my searches for a Partner Steel stove a couple of months back, your site didn't even appear in Google. I ended up buying mine from Cascade Outfitters in Iowa. One important note to provide to potential purchasers. The gas regulator that comes with the PS stove is designed for an 11 or 20 lb tank, not the 1 lb disposable units. As I bought the stove sight unseen and had it shipped directly to a campground I was staying at, this was a surprise and made for a bit of a scramble the first evening so we could cook dinner.
It did replace my 30+ year old Coleman stove and it appears this new stove should outlast me.
Hi elements,
We didn't know about Partner Steel until now, wow the gear look top notch. It is the type of stove we are looking for.
A question for you do you have a agent in Australia ?

Australia is a tough one because these Stoves are made in Idaho, about as far from Australia as you can get. I will as Partner Steel if they sell to anyone over there and get back to you.

Great name. Partner Steel stuff is built here in Pocatello, Idaho. They have served a very niche market, mainly whitewater and overlanders. They really haven't done any community evnets, advertising, promoting, etc. They just make the gear for people who run across them. We are taking the lead on all that because we think it is great stuff. It is high end but the quality is unbeatable and they treat their employees very well. If you live near Pocatello you can go directly to their business and ask to look around. It is pretty cool.


We are working on our SEO. It is a slow process because we want to do it right. We are so new to the game that it just takes some time.

You are correct about the stoves only fitting the larger propane cans. They do make an adapter that is $20 that you put on the end and it will then fit the 1 lbs bottles. I believe Coleman also makes an adapter that is around $10 as well.
Element, have they thought about making small wood burning stoves? For inspiration, they could look at, which is what I will be getting for our home.

They can do about anything customer. That is if they price is right. They want to stay focused on variations of stuff they already make. The more custom a request the more expensive. I will definitely pass the suggestion along. Thank you.

Some of you may not be aware, Partner Steel actually makes these stoves as a side hobby. Their main business is medal fabrication for our area. Pretty good hobby if you ask me.


I'm all for a little known commercial outfit that has/makes specialty products for - outdoor/camping/exploration/mobile - niche products having a limited presence here to tout their products to us.
Unfortunately if too much commercial presence is allowed it will become a "spam" forum/site, so, I think constraints need to be tight, but "some" space allowed to share the knowledge/information.
It is certainly a balancing act, but commercial promotion will creep in, and I prefer it to be "up front" about it like here.
Opinion, my unsolicited single vote.

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