Oh boy, taking this engine out this time was with record time despite the less than desirable circumstances!

It's been quite snowy up here in the WV mountains. Waited for it all to melt and let the ground dry out a bit.

Finally got a nice day to take the engine out! But we're lifting 1000 pounds on a few small steel wheels. We assumed it wouldn't work without trying. What we did try is putting down hardwood flooring under the van for the engine hoist to roll around on!

It was strange laying down on hardwood flooring while working on the drive train. But hey, it was comfortable and kept us out of the mud!

It was very strange to look down and see. Has anyone else done auto mechanics on hardwood flooring before? Are we going to start a trend? Is this how Jay Leno works on his fleet of collectibles?

Although super heavy, the wheels rolled just fine any which way we needed to go! Better than expected. Highly recommended. Labor to remove engine this time was down to about 6 hours with 3 of us. Unfortunately, getting really good at this...