Does WW Kayaking Have an Image Issue?

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There is a lot of talk about a recent article by Outside Magazine that showcases one of the sport's top events, the Whitewater Grand Prix, and its competitors in a pretty negative light. While we can all understand that controversy and negativity gets eyeballs on the internet, it is also important to have a bit of a look at what such "main stream" publicity might do to an already struggling sport/industry. Is all publicity good publicity?

Read my writeup on the issue here:
Does WW Kayaking Have an Image Issue?
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Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
No. Outside magazine has an issue. That publication is getting a little corrupted by their need to try to drive eyeballs to their editorials.


Just found this thread.

I did a whole bunch of Class 4/5 kayaking during the 80s and early 90s and will say that whitewater boaters as a whole are really no different than any other group. Ever read about all the exploits that went on in Yosemite during the height of the climbing boom? I've got mountain bike buddies who drink enough while riding to drown fish, and I've watched insane amounts of beer handups to riders during cyclocross races. And its not just the fringe adventure sports ... do we really want to get into football game tailgaters that get so drunk they never make it into the stadium for the game? But those folks are just one small part of the sports community they identify with. I think as the different adventure sports are pursued, adrenaline is released, and some participants, shall we say, embrace excess in one form or the other. Plenty of others in all those communities still participate without going to those extremes. Its a dangerous and irresponsible road to take to judge whole groups by the actions of a few.

I was a Outside subscriber for many, many years back when they embraced good journalism. I gave up my subscription when they became a prostitute to clothing companies. Just recently, after not looking at any of the issues for a decade or so, I bought one to read while waiting at an airport for a flight. I wasted that $6. The article they had on guides was just plain insulting to that industry. I wouldn't put much credit into anything they published anymore.


I dunno. I get Outside as part of an online service, so I don't have to subscribe directly. Ditto with Backpacker, etc. I gave up on 'em a long time ago about YA "Ten Best..." articles. But occasionally they still have some good stuff; and I thought the kayaking piece was good. My pals acted the same way when I was boating with 'em, so hard to get upset. I suspect a lot of the angst about the article was from folks who wanna make a living off it and figure the outlaw rep ain't that marketable. That's not Outside's problem, it's theirs.

And the guide thing was kinda lame; I agree. And I've heard better guide jokes. I'd think a more thoughtful article could be done about unprofessional "guiding," and in particular the struggle to get American climbing guiding on the same footing as international guiding, and the issues involving franchising/guiding in the US parks.

And it also reminds me of the "Valley Uprising" film. It was so filled with self-indulgent narcissistic ************** I could barely watch. And the cute let's party! themes in that (or say surfing) really wear out when you see how tweaking, alcoholism, and general loser behavior swallows up a lot of these "dudes." The dark side of risk sports (risky self absorbed behavior) gets ignored too often; at least Outside didn't hide it, although I'm waiting to see the industry come more to grips with it.


Read the article. Honestly I can see a glimmer of the partying and drinking the author speaks of in my kayaking community. As a whole, WW boaters are some of the most down to earth people I know. As far as I see it, WW is just like any other extreme sport, many of the people involved live life to the fullest whether in partying or boating.

I'm tame compared to these guys, class 3-4

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