Dometic RC2000 fridge... Thouughts?


I'm looking at a Dometic RC2000 i found for sale locally for a steal and I wanted to get opinions... Size to weight to cooling ability ect...

any pics of them in use would be great to. I haven't scene it in person yet so not sure what to expect in storage capacity...

I just bought a domestic cf35 a month ago and have been really pleased. Its been plugged into my jeep the entire month and it works as advertised. It gets to freezing temperatures really efficiently. I know its a different model than what you're asking about so I'm not sure about specific dimensions and other details but I wanted to attest to how pleased I am with my dometic especially because I got it for so cheap compared to the ARB fridge and other options.


I just bought a domestic cf35 a month ago and have been really pleased. Its been plugged into my jeep the entire month and it works as advertised. It gets to freezing temperatures really efficiently. I know its a different model than what you're asking about so I'm not sure about specific dimensions and other details but I wanted to attest to how pleased I am with my dometic especially because I got it for so cheap compared to the ARB fridge and other options.

Does the CF35 only run off 120/12v?


yes it does, but fyi I bought it on sale for $499 last month from camping world. they just bumped the price up a lot. I would wait until its on sale again because its priced to closely with the ARB

Gottcha, I'm looking for one that runs off propane too. That way once I set up camp I don't have to run down the trailer batteries and I don't have to keep it in the jeep while running trails



I just measured the inside dimensions on mine. Inside it is roughly 17 wide by 9 long and 12 inches tall. It is well insulated and has no problem keeping stuff ice cold when it is 90 degrees out. It will freeze things at night when the ambient air temperature cools off if you are not careful. I have not tried mine in extreme desert temperatures, but my guess is that it would work just fine as a refrigerator at desert temps.

Like any 3 way fridge, it works great on propane and shore power, but is mediocre on 12v.

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