F350 Brake Rotors Warp Easily?


Expedition Leader
Hi All,

One of our fleet vehicles is a 2001 F350, crew cab, with a regular long bed. It is used primarily to drive up and down a mountain, 7000 ft elevation gain in 27 miles.

It warps rotors way easier than any of our other vehicles, which include Suburbans, an F250 regular cab, Dodge pickups, etc. I know some of my coworkers ride the brakes on the way down, but they do that to all the vehicles. So, I am thinking the brakes are undersized. Does anyone have any experience with this? Or know is better brakes are available? We are getting tired of new brakes every other oil change.




Supporting Sponsor
Yes, it's common. Mainly with rigs that tow allot. Your best option is some Cryo treated rotors from The Brake Man. Work great, and they'll hold waaaay more heat. The bottom line is that the factory rotors & over the counter replacements are terrible material. I have F550 knuckles & brakes on my rig, the only downfall is that I have to run 20" wheels to clear them. They're 14.5" diameter, but you really just need the Cryo brakes. Been used on ambulances for years.


Heretic Car Camper
Seconding UJC's post, I know very little about the issue but I have frequently seen the topic cross the various boards & lists that I'm on. For more reading I'd recommend searching the PowerStroke forums and/or the TDR.
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Expedition Leader
Thanks guys. I forwarded the info to my boss, who is very excited about it. Goodwill never hurts.

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