Ford F550 Flatbed Build for Existing Truck Camper (Driven to Adventures)


Yes, entire thing rides on a simple 3-point torsion free subframe.

The wheel wells are integrated into the framing of the bed itself, and provides 8+ inches of stuff clearance for the tires.
Even more with the bags inflated.

The tires could literally stuff all the way to the underside of the decking, but the suspension bottoms out before that. :sneaky:





A bit off topic, but Idasho, it looks like you use your truck with the camper off, and the camper does not look light (well, it looks light for a camper that size, but it is still probably 2-3,000 lbs). What suspension does your truck have? Springs stiff enough to support the camper would seem to be too stiff for the truck with no camper. Airbags?

Camper weight 2200lbs dry.
Truck has a payload of 3200 lbs

These new trucks are sprung very light in the rear.
So I'm running a combination of single leaf helpers, and bags.

After we have some good miles on this thing, Ill probably pony up for some custom leaf packs.
I like the bags for leveling, but I much prefer to not NEED them, as we do right now.


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Thanks. I am in a similar situation. Have a RAM 3500 with a 2250 dry weight camper. Right now I need the airbags pretty firm to get the best ride, when the camper is on. But I am afraid if I get stiffer leaf springs the truck will ride very stiff with the camper off.


Certainly depends on how you use the truck.
If you use it often without the camper, you are probably best with the setup you have... leafs + bags.

We are in the same boat currently, but the plan is to cut the cord within the next 5-6 years and hit the road full time.
I'm pretty certain that by then Ill have a custom leaf pack under the rear of this truck.
And probably one with a high enough capacity to forgo the need for the bags all-together, or just nearly.

Bags are nice to have, and make a world of a difference in the wind, both rolling down the highway and when camped.
We also have a legit onboard air setup with a tank, and in-cab controls, so pressure changes are easy.


Nice, as in adjustable, for varying loads and stability in wind.

If you are rolling with a camper full time (non-varying load), Id say a legit leaf pack rated for the load is sufficient.


Yeah, the price of building yourself is still costly in materials and especially time. Honestly the self build is the most desirable to me but I had to be honest about how much time I had available for the build. In the end I chose to go with a service body built by someone else. They run around $15-$20k. Gave me more time to build the truck itself, change some things on the camper and convert the duelly to single military tires.

There are moments that I wish I had gone with a flatbed with modular removable compartments, which would give me more flexibility for use without the camper and be able to say I built it myself. In the end I'm very happy with the service body too. It looks pretty slick and gets it done. Compartments were build to fit exactly to the camper so lots of storage.

Hats off to anyone that has had the time and skill to build their own, that was the dream for me.

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