fuso deck height


New member
So, I plan on doing something a little more unconventional when I get to my build, but I need to know if it is possible. The layout is going to be very simple. 3' x 8' in the back dedicated to bathroom and small kitchenette with a wall on hinges that can close the space off leaving an empty 12' x 8' space. The empty space will be used as a mobile art gallery for pop up shows or as a small working studio for when I am wanting to produce my own work off in the woods. In terms of an art gallery, ceiling height is crucial. A small space doesn't feel all that small when the ceilings are 9' tall. Obviously, at that height, Im really worried about the box becoming a sail with the deck height of the fuso seemingly high compared to other trucks. What is the shortest I can get from ground to subfloor? The camper pop ups potentially solve the problem, but I need the line it creates on the inside to be as clean as possible for shows etc. Are there any examples of builds where the pop up is not some meshy material and the inside lines are clean? It needs to be able to receive a small nail with whatever material it ends up being on the inside.

You might be asking...why a Fuso? The fuel economy of a truck with the fuso's abilities appears to be rivaled by nobody, especially if I can figure out a way to minimize drag. I also plan on navigating NYC, and a cab over will help with that immensely. The 4x4 is nice as I plan on doing some back country style camping and I prefer to be prepared. The truck will need to perform in a variety of climates.

Ive definitely read a lot about the 3 point vs 4 point welding methods and spring bolting etc. I want to be able to remove the box and lower it to the ground. What do I need to think of in terms of balancing that with road vibration/lite offroading?

I know this is a greedy build and maybe I can't have it all, but I want to fully vet this out.


Crazy Person
So many questions... where to begin?

If you are looking at clean lines inside the camper section, a hard sided pop-top may be a viable option, if the lifting actuators were on the outside. A pop-top would also negate any potential height issues and you could design the box to have a pretty high ceiling if you went down that route.

The minimum deck height is affected by numerous factors.
If you choose to fit the vehicle with off road single wheels, these will likely be larger in diameter, which will lift the standard deck height. The same goes if you upgrade the suspension (which is something you would probably need to do if you want to keep your fillings in your teeth), as this will also raise the height of the vehicle.
The Fuso FG has a stepped chassis, which means that you have a couple of options when it comes to the deck height. If you are happy to have a step in the floor, then the rear section can be about 8" lower than the front section.

The deck mounting system is not a major factor when it comes to deck height. If you want the camper section to be removable, you just need to design a suitable tray to mount it on, be that stepped or flat. My personal preference is a spring mount system and these add very little to the height of the deck.

As with any camper design, keeping the distributed weight as even as possible is always desirable. You just have to have a plan and position equipment, as much as you can, by their weight. The more weight you keep between the wheelbase the better the vehicle will work, especially when going off road.
For removing the camper box, the use of standard camper jacks is the normal method. These can be either manual or electric. I have seen numerous setups where the jacks are not fitted permanently, which is beneficial sometimes.

Having a partitioning wall in a pop-top could be a bit more challenging, but I do not see that as a show-stopper.

Do you plan on designing/building this camper body yourself?


My FG deck is 42" above the ground. If you're planning many trips to NYC I would recommend keeping your overall height below 12'6" that way you can use the tunnels and save yourself the long trudge down from 178th St. You will still have to ignore the height limit signs in the outer boroughs, they're poorly marked. I've been under many 12' underpasses with a 13'6" trailer. Even on the Van Wyck Expressway they have 13' overpasses that are easily cleared with a 13'6" vehicle. It's a little disconcerting at freeway speeds though.


New member
Ok, so Im thinking its a no go on raising the roof portion of the camper, and instead raising the whole box from the bottom. It creates too many distracting lines and moisture issues to do the top. I thought about panels that were hinged to the ceiling that could fold down into place, but you'd have to have a long piece of rubber acting as a gasket, and I dunno...seems messy. So, If the materials are lite enough, raise the box from the bottom and it solves the issue of a piece of art being on the wall without any lines passing behind it etc. That may not sound like a big deal to you, but having run an art gallery for a while I can say its important to the audience and artists etc. Ive got an uncle who works in robotics and has like 30 motors laying around is garage. Might be doable for me. Im thinking thick plexi or something semi transparent that is fixed on the bottom. It makes a small space feel bigger and creates a floating effect. In this model the outside of the box is 8'6" and raises a foot to 9'6".IMG_6310.JPG

Perhaps my concern isn't deck height, but the height of the box as it relates to the cab. The EarthCruiser FX seems to rise about 8 inches above the cab, and they still maintain that it gets 15 mpg. Im wondering how much box will be protruding over the cab at 8'6". Anybody have anything more specific on how gas mileage is impacted by the aerodynamics of the box?

I certainly will not build this by myself. Im a bartender near Oak Ridge, TN, and I have a good stable of engineer friends who have offered to help. I know a few welders, but I don't know anyone that has worked with FRP etc. Im not beyond hiring someone to build it, but as a maker of things, Im excited about the project and want a hand in it.

Also, make the roof semi transparent like in moving trucks or in like this picture here IMG_6309.JPG

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