GM to sell Hummer ??


Expedition Leader
GM management are reviewing Hummer's future. One option to sell the brand altogether. Hummer is a brand recognized world-wide, so a foreign buyer might be interested. Tata bought Land Rover, so maybe Mahindra would be interested in Hummer.

GM also announced that they are cutting back on truck production and closing 4 truck plants. The plants that manufacture the H2 and H3 escaped the scheduled closures.

Chip Haven


Expedition Trophy Winner
Yeah, let's hope they find a buyer and don't decide to walk away from the brand. For all the bashing of the H2, the H3, H3T, and HXC all seem to be solid vehicles. It would suck to lose them altogether (or see them bought by another company and moved away from their roots)


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
It is all just business, but I very personally know the town of Janesville, WI will basically dry up and blow away without their GM plant. I'm not saying it is not necessary, it is just too bad.


Expedition Leader
Edmunds Inside Line has an interesting rumor: GM might sell Hummer to Shanghai Auto, its partner in China.

GM sees the Chinese market as one where it must increase its presence. The newly wealthy in China are crazy for foreign goods, and have the cash to pay for them. The Chinese government subsidizes fuel prices, so there's no "$4 gas" problem.

So GM could sell the Hummer name, goodwill and manufacturing equipment to Shanghai Auto in exchange for a 49% interest in the new car company. Then GM will ship the H2 assembly lines to China, and go into business as the minority shareholder in the new company.

Chip Haven


I'm pretty sure the H3 is Canadian made so I'm not surprised, given the relative strength of the Canuck buck that they are looking for options. Last year they were talking about an H4 and H5, both smaller, to compete with the Liberty and Rav4 types.


H3 is US made, or Southamerican made.
The concept Hummer X looks cool.
For now Hummer is in business as usual, per personal phonecall from the local dealership owner. The H3T is on its way.


Expedition Trophy Winner
fyi, the H3 and H3T are both made in Shreveport, LA...if those rumors are true, I hope they approach it with a 'new' china approach which is more focused on quality than just getting it done cheap...and don't start diluting the brand like Jeep did


Yeah I was mistaken. I don't know where I got the notion they were made up here. I see from a quick search that H3s are made in South Africa as well? Is there an international market for them beyond the new rich kids in China?


:oops: I meant to type Southafrica, must be the heat, and the fire up on the mountain.
The H3 is marketed internationally (Europe, Australia and ??) Officially, not just imported by private individuals.

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